
Lyme disease

General information

    • Surveillance period: 2009 - active
    • Temporal resolution: Annual surveillance
    • Publication frequency: Data are updated every year when our yearly report is published
  • Case definition :
    A case that meets one of the following:
    * Clinical diagnosis: presence of erythema migrans.
    * Clinical diagnosis with serological confirmation: presence of neurological, joint, skin or heart suggestive of Lyme disease in a patient with positive serology (ELISA test confirmed by a positive Western blot).
  • Description for each case: age; sex; date of diagnosis; notion of tick bite preceding the current episode and if so date of the bite; cutaneous manifestations, and if so which ones (erythema migrans, lymphocytoma borrélien, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans); neurological manifestations, and if so which ones and results of lumbar puncture (if requested); joint manifestations, and if so where and what type (mono, poly or oligoarthritis); cardiac manifestations and if so which ones; results of serological tests ELISA and Western blot (if requested).
  • Modifications affecting this indicator

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All publications associated with this disease
  • Bonnet C, Figoni J, Souty C, Septfons A, de Martino S, de Valk H, Fournier L, Hanslik T, Jaulhac B, Blanchon T. Prevalence and factors associated with a prescription of a Lyme borreliosis serology for erythema migrans diagnosis in general practice: a study from the French sentinel network, 2009-2020. BMC Prim Care. 2023. 24(1):163 PubMed 10.1186/s12875-023-02108-3
  • Fu W, Bonnet C, Septfons A, Figoni J, Durand J, Frey-Klett P, Rustand D, Jaulhac B, Métras R. Spatial and seasonal determinants of Lyme borreliosis incidence in France, 2016 to 2021. Euro Surveill. 2023. 28(14) PubMed 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.14.2200581
  • Fu W, Bonnet C, Figoni J, Septfons A, Métras R. Exploratory Space-Time Analyses of Reported Lyme Borreliosis Cases in France, 2016-2019. Pathogens. 2021. 10(4) PubMed HAL 10.3390/pathogens10040444
  • Cicculli V, Capai L, Quilichini Y, Masse S, Fernández-Alvarez A, Minodier L, Bompard P, Charrel R, Falchi A. Molecular investigation of tick-borne pathogens in ixodid ticks infesting domestic animals (cattle and sheep) and small rodents (black rats) of Corsica, France. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2019. 10(3):606-613 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2019.02.007
  • Septfons A, Goronflot T, Jaulhac B, Roussel V, De Martino S, Guerreiro S, Launay T, Fournier L, De Valk H, Figoni J, Blanchon T, Couturier E. Epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis through two surveillance systems: the national Sentinelles GP network and the national hospital discharge database, France, 2005 to 2016. Euro Surveill. 2019. 24(11) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.11.1800134 PDF
  • Fournier L, Roussel V, Couturier E, Jaulhac B, Goronflot T, Septfons A, De Martino S, Guerreiro S, Launay T, De Valk H, Blanchon T. Épidémiologie de la borréliose de Lyme en médecine générale, France métropolitaine, 2009-2016 Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2018. (19-20):383-388 Link PDF
  • Septfons A, Couturier E, Goronflot T, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, De Valk H. Borréliose de Lyme : estimation de l’incidence hospitalière en France en France de 2005 à 2016. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2018. (19-20):389-95 Link
  • Vandenesch A, Turbelin C, Couturier E, Arena C, Jaulhac B, Ferquel E, Choumet V, Saugeon C, Coffinieres E, Blanchon T, Vaillant V, Hanslik T. Incidence and hospitalisation rates of Lyme borreliosis, France, 2004 to 2012. Euro Surveill. 2014. 19(34) PubMed HAL 10.2807/1560-7917.es2014.19.34.20883 Link
  • Letrilliart L, Ragon B, Hanslik T, Flahault A. Lyme disease in France: a primary care-based prospective study. Epidemiol Infect. 2005. 133(5):935-42 PubMed PMC 10.1017/S0950268805004413
  • Dournon E, Villeminot S, Hubert B. La maladie de Lyme en France : enquête réalisée auprès d'un réseau sentinelle de médecins généralistes. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1989. 45:185-6 Link