Theses pages can be used to visualize or to extract data from diseases surveillance run by the Sentinelles network, as published in our Weekly report.
Extract our data - Available tools
API Publique
Dowload our data using REST API
Data requests
Request for specific data (not available online)
From the 8th of january, 2014, data of several indicators are only availble on an annual basis (cumulated incidence from week number 1 to 52/53 of each year).
Conditions for the use of our data and related media
Data, their representations (graph, tables, maps) available on our websites ( and sub-domains,, and associated documents are property of INSERM and UPMC unless otherwise specified. Non-commercial use (media, educational, ...) is free under following conditions. Recent data (concerning less than 3 weeks in the past) is not authorized in another way than using text from our weekly report.
Condition for the use of our data :
- Do not modify data or the text commenting or interpreting those data
- Modify position of text or legends is possible if it is still readable on the image
- Souce must be cited as follow : réseau Sentinelles, INSERM, UPMC with a link to our website "".
Citing the Sentinelles' network
Please cite using the text : "réseau Sentinelles, INSERM/UPMC,". The website URL could be mentioned using a link on the citation in case of electronic document.
For a scientific article, you should have a look at our publication's list to find a publication close to your subject.
Historical papers about the "reseau Sentinelles" are, for example :
- Valleron AJ, Bouvet E, Garnerin P, Ménarès J, Heard I, Letrait S, Lefaucheux J. A computer network for the surveillance of communicable diseases: the French experiment. Am J Public Health. 1986. 76(11):1289-92
- Flahault A, Blanchon T, Dorléans Y, Toubiana L, Vibert JF, Valleron AJ. Virtual surveillance of communicable diseases: a 20-year experience in France. Stat Methods Med Res. 2006. 15(5):413-21