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Surveillance de la Covid-19 et de la grippe par le réseau Sentinelles

En mars 2020, suite à l’émergence du SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), la surveillance Sentinelles a évolué. La surveillance des « syndromes grippaux » (fièvre supérieure à 39°C, d’apparition brutale, accompagnée de myalgies et de signes respiratoires) a été remplacée par celle des « infections respiratoires aiguës » IRA (apparition brutale de fièvre ou sensation de fièvre et de signes respiratoires).

Cette surveillance réalisée en collaboration avec Santé publique France, le Centre National de Référence des infections respiratoires (Institut Pasteur de Paris et Hospices civils de Lyon) et l’Université de Corse, permet de suivre l'évolution de la pandémie de Covid-19 et des épidémies dues aux autres virus respiratoires (grippe, virus respiratoire syncytial, rhinovirus et métapneumovirus notamment). Elle s’appuie sur l’observation de patients présentant une IRA vus par un médecin généraliste ou un pédiatre.

Les données du réseau Sentinelles, en complément de celles d’autres partenaires, sont intégrées à la surveillance nationale globale coordonnée par Santé publique France. Pour plus d’informations, vous pouvez consulter les bulletins hebdomadaires de la Covid-19 et de la grippe de Santé publique France.

Parallèlement, le réseau Sentinelles mène des études et travaux de recherche sur la Covid-19 présentées dans la rubrique « Covid-19 » de ce site.

Le nombre de médecins généralistes Sentinelles participant dans la région est insuffisant pour permettre la réalisation de carte départementale.

Durant la période épidémique de grippe les données issues du réseau Sentinelles sont combinées avec celles du Grog afin de produire des estimations plus robustes notamment au niveau régional. Ce sont ces données qui sont utilisées dans le bulletin épidémiologique grippe de l'Institut de Veille Sanitaire (dénommé Réseau Unifié). Les données du réseau Sentinelles restent utilisées et publiées pour la détection, la description des épidémies et les modèles mathématiques de prévision (le Réseau Unifié n'ayant que 3 ans d'historique).

2025 (1)
  • Rech JS, Postel-Vinay N, Vercamer V, de Villèle P, Steichen O. User engagement with home blood pressure monitoring: a multinational cohort using real-world data collected with a connected device. J Hypertens. 2025. 43(1):90-97 PubMed PMC 10.1097/HJH.0000000000003861
    • Outils informatiques
2024 (11)
  • Coste J, Delpierre C, Richard JB, Alleaume C, Gallay A, Tebeka S, Lemogne C, Robineau O, Steichen O, Makovski TT. Prevalence of long COVID in the general adult population according to different definitions and sociodemographic and infection characteristics. A nationwide random sampling survey in France in autumn 2022. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2024. 30(7):924-929 PubMed 10.1016/j.cmi.2024.03.020
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Delory T, Le Bel J, Métras R, Guerrisi C, Suhanda IE, Bouvet E, Lariven S, Jeanmougin P. Computerized Decision Support Systems Informing Community-Acquired Pneumonia Surveillance, France, 2017-2023. Emerg Infect Dis. 2024. 30(11):2404-2408 PubMed PMC 10.3201/eid3011.240072
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Etienne C, Vilcu AM, Finet F, Chawki S, Blanchon T, Steichen O, Hanslik T. Incidence of serious respiratory tract infections and associated characteristics in a population exposed to immunosuppressive therapies: a register-based population study. BMC Infect Dis. 2024. 24(1):1184 PubMed PMC 10.1186/s12879-024-10039-2
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Médicaments
  • Laniece Delaunay C, Mazagatos C, Martínez-Baz I, Túri G, Goerlitz L, Domegan L, Meijer A, Rodrigues AP, Sève N, Ilic M, Latorre-Margalef N, Lazar M, Maurel M, Melo A, Andreu Ivorra B, Casado I, Horváth JK, Buda S, Bennett C, de Lange M, Guiomar R, Enouf V, Mlinaric I, Samuelsson Hagey T, Dinu S, Rumayor M, Castilla J, Oroszi B, Dürrwald R, O'Donnell J, Hooiveld M, Gomez V, Falchi A, Kurecic Filipovic S, Dillner L, Popescu R, Bacci S, Kaczmarek M, Kissling E, VEBIS Primary Care Vaccine Effectiveness Group. COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness in Autumn and Winter 2022 to 2023 Among Older Europeans. JAMA Netw Open. 2024. 7(7):e2419258 PubMed PMC 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.19258
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Lépine B, Debin M, Dassieu L, Gimenez L, Palmaro A, Ponté C, Swital M, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Blanchon T, Dupouy J. GPs' practices when prescribing buprenorphine in primary care: A survey among the Sentinelles network. Therapie. 2024. 79(6):646-654 PubMed 10.1016/j.therap.2024.04.002
    • Médecine Générale
    • Médicaments
  • Niaré D, Robert G, Rocquevieille A, De Geyer L, Frin M, Pennec S, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Rossignol L, Morel V. General practitioners and palliative care practices: a better knowledge of specific services is still needed BMC Health Serv Res. 2024. 24(1):832 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12913-024-11266-8
    • Médecine Générale
  • Pouquet M, Decarreaux D, Di Domenico L, Sabbatini CE, Prévot-Monsacre P, Fourié T, Villarroel PMS, Priet S, Blanché H, Sebaoun JM, Deleuze JF, Turbelin C, Rossignol L, Werner A, Kochert F, Grosgogeat B, Rabiega P, Laupie J, Abraham N, Noël H, van der Werf S, Colizza V, Carrat F, Charrel R, de Lamballerie X, Blanchon T, Falchi A. SARS-CoV-2 infection prevalence and associated factors among primary healthcare workers in France after the third COVID-19 wave. Sci Rep. 2024. 14(1):5418 PubMed PMC 10.1038/s41598-024-55477-9
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Médecine Générale
    • Pédiatrie
  • Prévot-Monsacré P, Hamaide-Defrocourt F, Guyonvarch O, Masse S, Souty C, Mamou T, Hamel J, Antona D, Mathieu P, Vasseur P, Lévy-Bruhl D, Baroux N, Rossignol L, Vaillant L, Guerrisi C, Hanslik T, Dina J, Blanchon T. What is the relevancy of a surveillance of mumps without a systematic laboratory confirmation in highly immunized populations? Epidemiology of suspected and biologically confirmed mumps cases seen in general practice in France between 2014 and 2020. Vaccine. 2024. 42(5):1065-1070 PubMed 10.1016/j.vaccine.2023.12.017
    • Oreillons
  • Rech JS, Cohen A, Bartolucci P, Santin A, Chantalat Auger C, Affo L, Le Jeune S, Arlet JB, Boëlle PY, Steichen O. Shift in emergency department utilization by frequent attendees with sickle cell disease during the COVID-19 pandemic: A multicentre cohort study. Br J Haematol. 2024. 205(2):463-472 PubMed 10.1111/bjh.19556
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Tebeka S, Coste J, Makovski TT, Alleaume C, Delpierre C, Gallay A, Pignon B, Gouraud C, Ouazana Vedrines C, Pitron V, Robineau O, Steichen O, Lemogne C. Dissecting the association between long COVID and depressive symptoms in a nationally representative population from France. J Psychosom Res. 2024. 187:111961 PubMed 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2024.111961
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Thomas B, Hamaide-Defrocourt F, Launay T, Vasseur P, Guyonvarch O, Lefébure P, Rossignol L, Younès N, Turbelin C, Guerrisi C, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Rivière M, Pons R. Annual incidence of general practice consultations related, according to the general practitioner, to bed bugs and description of cases, 2019-2020, France. PLoS One. 2024. 19(8):e0308990 PubMed PMC
    • Médecine Générale
2023 (11)
  • Bonnet C, Figoni J, Souty C, Septfons A, de Martino S, de Valk H, Fournier L, Hanslik T, Jaulhac B, Blanchon T. Prevalence and factors associated with a prescription of a Lyme borreliosis serology for erythema migrans diagnosis in general practice: a study from the French sentinel network, 2009-2020. BMC Prim Care. 2023. 24(1):163 PubMed 10.1186/s12875-023-02108-3
    • Maladie de Lyme
  • de Meijere G, Valdano E, Castellano C, Debin M, Kengne-Kuetche C, Turbelin C, Noël H, Weitz JS, Paolotti D, Hermans L, Hens N, Colizza V. Attitudes towards booster, testing and isolation, and their impact on COVID-19 response in winter 2022/2023 in France, Belgium, and Italy: a cross-sectional survey and modelling study. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 2023. 28:100614 PubMed PMC 10.1016/j.lanepe.2023.100614
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Fu W, Bonnet C, Septfons A, Figoni J, Durand J, Frey-Klett P, Rustand D, Jaulhac B, Métras R. Spatial and seasonal determinants of Lyme borreliosis incidence in France, 2016 to 2021. Euro Surveill. 2023. 28(14) PubMed 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.14.2200581
    • Biostatistiques
    • Géographie et santé
    • Maladie de Lyme
    • Médecine Générale
    • Modelisation
  • Gosselin L, Vilcu AM, Souty C, Steichen O, Launay T, Conte C, Saint-Salvi B, Turbelin C, Sarazin M, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Rossignol L. Prevalence and bleeding risk associated with the concomitant use of direct oral anticoagulants and antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with atrial fibrillation, based on the French healthcare insurance database. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2023. 79(7):937-945 PubMed 10.1007/s00228-023-03501-8
    • Médicaments
  • Greffe S, Guerrisi C, Souty C, Vilcu AM, Hayem G, Costantino F, Padovano I, Bourgault I, Trad S, Ponsoye M, Vilaine E, Debin M, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T. Influenza-like illness in individuals treated with immunosuppressants, biologics, and/or systemic corticosteroids for autoimmune or chronic inflammatory disease: A crowdsourced cohort study, France, 2017-2018. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2023. 17(6):e13148 PubMed 10.1111/irv.13148
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Maladie auto-immune
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Kissling E, Maurel M, Emborg HD, Whitaker H, McMenamin J, Howard J, Trebbien R, Watson C, Findlay B, Pozo F, Bolt Botnen A, Harvey C, Rose A, European IVE group, Members of the European IVE group. Interim 2022/23 influenza vaccine effectiveness: six European studies, October 2022 to January 2023. Euro Surveill. 2023. 28(21) PubMed PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.21.2300116
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Kissling E, Pozo F, Martínez-Baz I, Buda S, Vilcu AM, Domegan L, Mazagatos C, Dijkstra F, Latorre-Margalef N, Kurečić Filipović S, Machado A, Lazar M, Casado I, Dürrwald R, van der Werf S, O'Donnell J, Linares Dopido JA, Meijer A, Riess M, Višekruna Vučina V, Rodrigues AP, Mihai ME, Castilla J, Goerlitz L, Falchi A, Connell J, Castrillejo D, Hooiveld M, Carnahan A, Ilić M, Guiomar R, Ivanciuc A, Maurel M, Omokanye A, Valenciano M, I-MOVE study team. Influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza A subtypes in Europe: Results from the 2021-2022 I-MOVE primary care multicentre study. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2023. 17(1):e13069 PubMed PMC 10.1111/irv.13069
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Niaré D, Debin M, Merdrignac L, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Steichen O. [Prevention of pertussis in newborns: Should pregnant women be vaccinated at each pregnancy?]. Rev Med Interne. 2023. 44(10):567-70 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.revmed.2023.06.007
    • Coqueluche
  • Niaré D, Launay T, Rossignol L, Lot F, Steichen O, Dupin N, Bébéar C, Berçot B, Hanslik T, Ndeikoundam Ngangro N, Blanchon T, Chazelle E. Surveillance des infections sexuellement transmissibles bactériennes en médecine générale, France métropolitaine, 2020-2022. Bull Épidémiol Hebd. 2023. (24-25):515-25 Lien
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Médecine Générale
  • Souty C, Vilcu AM, Conte C, Saint-Salvi B, Sarazin M, Rossignol L, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Steichen O. Risk of hospitalisation for serious colchicine intoxication after concomitant exposure to pristinamycin: A nationwide healthcare database study. Therapie. 2023. 78(6):769-772 PubMed 10.1016/j.therap.2022.12.012
    • Médicaments
  • Steichen O. [Hypertension: Who to treat, to what extent and how?]. Rev Med Interne. 2023. 44(4):158-163 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2023.01.008
    • Cardiologie
2022 (22)
  • Alhenc-Gelas M, Lefevre G, Bachmeyer C, M'Bappe P, Ouahabi S, Grateau G, Letavernier E, Steichen O. Poor performance of albumin or protein-adjusted plasma calcium to diagnose dyscalcemia in hospitalized patients: A confirmatory study in a general internal medicine department. Rev Med Interne. 2022. 43(4):206-211 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.revmed.2021.11.006
  • Bagaria J, Jansen T, Marques DF, Hooiveld M, McMenamin J, de Lusignan S, Vilcu AM, Meijer A, Rodrigues AP, Brytting M, Mazagatos C, Cogdale J, van der Werf S, Dijkstra F, Guiomar R, Enkirch T, Valenciano M, I-MOVE-COVID-19 study team.. Rapidly adapting primary care sentinel surveillance across seven countries in Europe for COVID-19 in the first half of 2020: strengths, challenges, and lessons learned. Euro Surveill. 2022. 27(26) PubMed HAL 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.26.2100864
    • COVID-19
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Bonnet C, Masse S, Benamar H, Vilcu AM, Swital M, Hanslik T, van der Werf S, Duval X, Carrat F, Falchi A, Blanchon T. Is the Alpha Variant of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with a Higher Viral Load than the Historical Strain in Saliva Samples in Patients with Mild to Moderate Symptoms? Life (Basel). 2022. 12(2) PubMed HAL PMC 10.3390/life12020163
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Chawki S, Vilcu AM, Etienne C, Finet F, Blanchon T, Souty C, Hanslik T. Incidence of complications of herpes zoster in individuals on immunosuppressive therapy: A register-based population study. J Infect. 2022. 84(4):531-536 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jinf.2022.01.003
    • Zona
  • Debin M, Launay T, Rossignol L, Ait El Belghiti F, Brisse S, Guillot S, Guiso N, Levy-Bruhl D, Merdrignac L, Toubiana J, Blanchon T, Hanslik T. Pertussis surveillance results from a French general practitioner network, France, 2017 to 2020. Euro Surveill. 2022. 27(17) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.17.2100515
    • Coqueluche
  • Decarreaux D, Pouquet M, Souty C, Vilcu AM, Prévot-Monsacre P, Fourié T, Villarroel PMS, Priet S, Blanché H, Sebaoun JM, Deleuze JF, Turbelin C, Werner A, Kochert F, Grosgogeat B, Rabiega P, Laupie J, Abraham N, Guerrisi C, Noël H, Van der Werf S, Carrat F, Hanslik T, Charrel R, De Lamballerie X, Blanchon T, Falchi A. Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibodies and Factors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 IgG Neutralizing Activity among Primary Health Care Workers 6 Months after Vaccination Rollout in France. Viruses. 2022. 14(5) PubMed HAL PMC 10.3390/v14050957
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Decarreaux D, Sevila J, Masse S, Capai L, Fourié T, Saba Villarroel PM, Amroun A, Nurtop E, Vareille M, Pouquet M, Blanchon T, de Lamballerie X, Charrel R, Falchi A. A Cross-Sectional Study of Exposure Factors Associated with Seropositivity for SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies during the Second Epidemic Wave among a Sample of the University of Corsica (France). Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022. 19(4) PubMed HAL PMC 10.3390/ijerph19041953
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Decarreaux D, Sevila J, Masse S, Capai L, Fourié T, Villarroel PMS, Amroun A, Nurtop E, Vareille M, Blanchon T, de Lamballerie X, Charrel R, Falchi A. Eight Months of Serological Follow-Up of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in France: A Study among an Adult Population. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022. 19(22) PubMed PMC 10.3390/ijerph192215257
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Guerrisi C, Thomas B, Ordax Diez A, Van Cauteren D, Lozano Alonso JE, Moreels S, Falchi A, Vega Alonso T, Bonmarin I, Raude J, Vilcu AM, Hanslik T, Debin M, Rossignol L, Colizza V, Souty C, Blanchon T. Initial risk perception and feeling of preparedness of primary care physicians regarding the COVID-19 pandemic in Belgium, France and Spain in February 2020. BMC Prim Care. 2022. 23(1):18 PubMed HAL
    • COVID-19
    • Perception des MG
  • Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Martínez-Baz I, Mazagatos C, William N, Vilcu AM, Kooijman MN, Ilić M, Domegan L, Machado A, de Lusignan S, Lazar M, Meijer A, Brytting M, Casado I, Larrauri A, Murray JK, Behillil S, de Gier B, Mlinarić I, O'Donnell J, Rodrigues AP, Tsang R, Timnea O, de Lange M, Riess M, Castilla J, Pozo F, Hamilton M, Falchi A, Knol MJ, Kurečić Filipović S, Dunford L, Guiomar R, Cogdale J, Cherciu C, Jansen T, Enkirch T, Basile L, Connell J, Gomez V, Sandonis Martín V, Bacci S, Rose AM, Pastore Celentano L, Valenciano M, I-MOVE-COVID-19 and ECDC primary care study teams., I-MOVE-COVID-19 and ECDC primary care study team (in addition to authors above).. Effectiveness of complete primary vaccination against COVID-19 at primary care and community level during predominant Delta circulation in Europe: multicentre analysis, I-MOVE-COVID-19 and ECDC networks, July to August 2021. Euro Surveill. 2022. 27(21) PubMed HAL 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.21.2101104
    • COVID-19
    • Vaccination
  • Launay T, Bardoulat I, Lemaitre M, Blanchon T, Fardet L. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on head lice and scabies infestation dynamics: a population-based study in France. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2022. 47(5):867-872 PubMed
    • COVID-19
    • Dermatologie
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Lavergne J, Debin M, Blanchon T, Colizza V, Dassieu L, Gimenez L, Kengne-Kuetche C, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Dupouy J. Perceived risk of opioid use disorder secondary to opioid analgesic medication use by the general population in France. Eur J Pain. 2022. 26(3):729-739 PubMed HAL
    • Médicaments
  • Lépine B, Debin M, Dassieu L, Gimenez L, Palmaro A, Ponté C, Swital M, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Blanchon T, Dupouy J. Prescribing buprenorphine for opioid use disorder in primary care: A survey of French general practitioners in the Sentinelles network. J Subst Abuse Treat. 2022. 143:108891 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jsat.2022.108891
    • Médicaments
  • Lévy C, Gosselin L, Vilcu AM, Steichen O. Use of tramadol and the risk of bleeding complications in patients on oral anticoagulants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2022. 78(12):1889-1898 PubMed 10.1007/s00228-022-03411-1
    • Médicaments
  • Liard R, Souty C, Guerrisi C, Colizza V, Hanslik T, Kengne Kuetche C, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Debin M. Seasonal influenza vaccination in pharmacy in France: description and determinants of the vaccinated at-risk population using this service, 1 year after implementation. Int J Pharm Pract. 2022. 30(3):253-260 PubMed HAL 10.1093/ijpp/riac007
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Meci A, Du Breuil F, Vilcu A, Pitel T, Guerrisi C, Robard Q, Turbelin C, Hanslik T, Rossignol L, Souty C, Blanchon T. The Sentiworld project: global mapping of sentinel surveillance networks in general practice. BMC Prim Care. 2022. 23(1):173 PubMed HAL 10.1186/s12875-022-01776-x
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Merdrignac L, Acosta L, Habington A, Garcìa Cenoz M, Pandolfi E, Fabiánová K, Jordan I, O'Sullivan N, Navasués A, Tozzi AE, Zavadilová J, Jané M, Cotter S, Pitillas NI, Rizzo C, Křížová P, Hanslik T, Muñoz Almagro C, Pastore L, Bacci S, Moren A, Valenciano M, PERTINENT Group. Effectiveness of pertussis vaccination in pregnancy to prevent hospitalisation in infants aged <2 months and effectiveness of both primary vaccination and mother's vaccination in pregnancy in infants aged 2-11 months. Vaccine. 2022. 40(44):6374-6382 PubMed PMC 10.1016/j.vaccine.2022.09.054
    • Coqueluche
    • Vaccination
  • Nisavanh A, Horrigue I, Debin M, Turbelin C, Kengne-Kuetche C, Nassany O, Ambert-Balay K, Jourdan-Da Silva N, Pontais I, de Valk H, Jones G. Epidemiology of acute gastroenteritis in France from November 2019-August 2021, in light of reported adherence to COVID-19 barrier measures. Sci Rep. 2022. 12(1):17504 PubMed HAL 10.1038/s41598-022-22317-7
    • COVID-19
    • Gastroentérite
  • Paternoster M, Steichen O, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Blanchon T, Rossignol L, Vilcu AM, Launay T, Sarazin M, Bagheri H, Conte C, Turbelin C, Hanslik T, Souty C. Risk of Bleeding Associated With Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug Use in Patients Exposed to Antithrombotic Therapy: A Case-Crossover Study. J Clin Pharmacol. 2022. 62(5):636-645 PubMed HAL 10.1002/jcph.2003
    • Médicaments
  • Pouquet M, Launay T, Rivière M, Chan-Chee C, Urbain F, Coulombel N, Bardoulat I, Pons R, Guerrisi C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Younes N. Trends and characteristics of attempted and completed suicides reported to general practitioners before vs during the COVID-19 pandemic in France: Data from a nationwide monitoring system, 2010-2022. PLoS One. 2022. 17(12):e0278266 PubMed PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0278266
    • Actes suicidaires
  • Pouquet M, Niare D, Guerrisi C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Younes N. [Suicide prevention: How to act?] Rev Med Interne. 2022. 43(6):375-380 PubMed
    • Actes suicidaires
  • Villette C, Vasseur P, Lapidus N, Debin M, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Steichen O, Rossignol L. Vegetarian and Vegan Diets: Beliefs and Attitudes of General Practitioners and Pediatricians in France. Nutrients. 2022. 14(15) PubMed HAL 10.3390/nu14153101
    • Nutrition
2021 (16)
  • Bourrion B, Souty C, Fournier L, Vilcu AM, Blanchon T, Böelle PY, Hanslik T, François M. Bisphosphonate Use and Hospitalization for Hip Fractures in Women: An Observational Population-Based Study in France. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021. 18(16) PubMed HAL 10.3390/ijerph18168780
    • Surmédicalisation
  • Fu W, Bonnet C, Figoni J, Septfons A, Métras R. Exploratory Space-Time Analyses of Reported Lyme Borreliosis Cases in France, 2016-2019. Pathogens. 2021. 10(4) PubMed HAL 10.3390/pathogens10040444
    • Maladie de Lyme
  • Guyonvarch O, Vaillant L, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Rouveix E, Supervie V. [HIV prevention with PrEP: Challenges and prospects]. Rev Med Interne. 2021. 42(4):275-280 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.revmed.2020.10.005
    • VIH
  • Hazard A, Debin M, Hervé C, Guerrisi C, Bonnet C, François M. Implementation of a top five list to identify medical overuse in general practice according to patients' viewpoint in 2019 in France. BMC Fam Pract. 2021. 22(1):134 PubMed HAL 10.1186/s12875-021-01475-z
    • Médecine Générale
    • Surmédicalisation
  • Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Brytting M, Vilcu AM, de Lange M, Martínez-Baz I, Sigerson D, Enkirch T, Belhillil S, Meijer A, Castilla J, William N, Carnahan A, Falchi A, Hendriksen J, Casado I, Murray J, Enouf V, Dijkstra F, Marques DFP, Valenciano M. Absence of association between 2019-20 influenza vaccination and COVID-19: Results of the European I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care project, March-August 2020. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2021. 15(4):429-438 PubMed HAL 10.1111/irv.12839
    • COVID-19
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Sandonis Martín V, Martínez-Baz I, William N, Vilcu AM, Mazagatos C, Domegan L, de Lusignan S, Meijer A, Machado A, Brytting M, Casado I, Murray JK, Belhillil S, Larrauri A, O'Donnell J, Tsang R, de Lange M, Rodrigues AP, Riess M, Castilla J, Hamilton M, Falchi A, Pozo F, Dunford L, Cogdale J, Jansen T, Guiomar R, Enkirch T, Burgui C, Sigerson D, Blanchon T, Martínez Ochoa EM, Connell J, Ellis J, van Gageldonk-Lafeber R, Kislaya I, Rose AM, Valenciano M, I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team. Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults aged 65 years and older in primary care: I-MOVE-COVID-19 project, Europe, December 2020 to May 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021. 26(29) PubMed HAL 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.29.2100670 Lien
    • COVID-19
    • Vaccination
  • Launay T, Souty C, Vilcu AM, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Guerrisi C, Hanslik T, Colizza V, Bardoulat I, Lemaître M, Boëlle PY. Common communicable diseases in the general population in France during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS One. 2021. 16(10):e0258391 PubMed
    • Biostatistiques
    • COVID-19
    • Epidémie
    • Gastroentérite
    • Grippe
    • Varicelle
  • Lefèvre B, Blanchon T, Saint-Martin P, Tattevin P, Che D, Caumes E, Pitel T, Rossignol L, Dournon N, Duval X, Hoen B, SPILF-COREB Emergence group.. Evaluation of a web-based self-reporting method for monitoring international passengers returning from an area of emerging infection. Infect Dis Now. 2021. 51(2):140-145 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1016/j.medmal.2020.06.002
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
    • Voyage et santé
  • Lombardi Y, Azoyan L, Szychowiak P, Bellamine A, Lemaitre G, Bernaux M, Daniel C, Leblanc J, Riller Q, Steichen O, AP-HP/Universities/INSERM COVID-19 Research Collaboration AP-HP COVID CDR Initiative.. External validation of prognostic scores for COVID-19: a multicenter cohort study of patients hospitalized in Greater Paris University Hospitals. Intensive Care Med. 2021. 47(12):1426-1439 PubMed
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Masse S, Bonnet C, Vilcu AM, Benamar H, Swital M, van der Werf S, Carrat F, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Falchi A. Are Posterior Oropharyngeal Saliva Specimens an Acceptable Alternative to Nasopharyngeal Sampling for the Monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 in Primary-Care Settings? Viruses. 2021. 13(5) PubMed HAL 10.3390/v13050761
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • McColl K, Debin M, Souty C, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Falchi A, Bonmarin I, Paolotti D, Obi C, Duggan J, Moreno Y, Wisniak A, Flahault A, Blanchon T, Colizza V, Raude J. Are People Optimistically Biased about the Risk of COVID-19 Infection? Lessons from the First Wave of the Pandemic in Europe. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021. 19(1) PubMed HAL 10.3390/ijerph19010436
    • COVID-19
    • Santé publique
  • Merdrignac L, Aït El Belghiti F, Pandolfi E, Jané M, Murphy J, Fabiánová K, García Cenoz M, Flem E, Guillot S, Tozzi AE, Carmona G, Habington A, Zavadilová J, Navasués A, Bøås H, Lévy-Brühl D, Ferretti B, Lanaspa M, O'Sullivan N, Křížová P, Fernandino L, Bekkevold T, Hanslik T, Muñoz-Almagro C, Bacci S, Spiteri G, Valenciano M, Moren A, PERTINENT Group., PERTINENT group.. Incidence and severity of pertussis hospitalisations in infants aged less than 1 year in 37 hospitals of six EU/EEA countries, results of PERTINENT sentinel pilot surveillance system, December 2015 to December 2018. Euro Surveill. 2021. 26(4) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.4.1900762
    • Coqueluche
  • Paternoster M, Masse S, van der Werf S, Lina B, Levy-Bruhl D, Villechenaud N, Valette M, Behillil S, Bernard-Stoecklin S, Guerrisi C, Blanchon T, Falchi A, Hanslik T, Turbelin C, Souty C. Estimation of influenza-attributable burden in primary care from season 2014/2015 to 2018/2019, France. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021. 40(6):1263-1269 PubMed HAL 10.1007/s10096-021-04161-1
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Pouquet M, Decarreaux D, Prévot-Monsacré P, Hervé C, Werner A, Grosgogeat B, Blanché H, Rabiega P, Laupie J, Kochert F, Abraham N, Sebaoun JM, de Lamballerie X, Charrel R, Souty C, Camara I, Pergeline J, Noël H, Guerrisi C, Werf SV, Carrat F, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Falchi A. Nationwide Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 IgG Antibodies among Four Groups of Primary Health-Care Workers and Their Household Contacts 6 Months after the Initiation of the COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in France: SeroPRIM Study Protocol. Pathogens. 2021. 10(7) PubMed HAL 10.3390/pathogens10070911
    • COVID-19
  • Pullano G, Di Domenico L, Sabbatini CE, Valdano E, Turbelin C, Debin M, Guerrisi C, Kengne-Kuetche C, Souty C, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Boëlle PY, Figoni J, Vaux S, Campèse C, Bernard-Stoecklin S, Colizza V. Underdetection of cases of COVID-19 in France threatens epidemic control. Nature. 2021. 590(7844):134-139 PubMed HAL 10.1038/s41586-020-03095-6
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Souty C, Guerrisi C, Masse S, Lina B, van der Werf S, Bernard-Stoecklin S, Turbelin C, Falchi A, Hanslik T, Blanchon T. Impact of the lockdown on the burden of COVID-19 in outpatient care in France, spring 2020. Infect Dis (Lond). 2021. 53(5):376-381 PubMed HAL 10.1080/23744235.2021.1880024
    • COVID-19
    • Epidémie
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
2020 (10)
  • Boëlle PY, Souty C, Launay T, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Behillil S, Enouf V, Poletto C, Lina B, van der Werf S, Lévy-Bruhl D, Colizza V, Hanslik T, Blanchon T. Excess cases of influenza-like illnesses synchronous with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic, France, March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020. 25(14) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.14.2000326
    • COVID-19
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Bourrion B, Hazard A, Baltazard H, Sebbag P, Fournier L, François M. [Naftidrofuryl in arterial obstructive disease: A systematic revue of the literature]. Rev Med Interne. 2020. 41(2):89-97 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.revmed.2019.10.001
    • Médicaments
  • Ecollan M, Guerrisi C, Souty C, Rossignol L, Turbelin C, Hanslik T, Colizza V, Blanchon T. Determinants and risk factors of gastroenteritis in the general population, a web-based cohort between 2014 and 2017 in France. BMC Public Health. 2020. 20(1):1146 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12889-020-09212-4
    • Gastroentérite
  • Hanslik T, Flahault A. [Preventing Covid-19 after lockdown: For a rapid comeback to "life before"]. Rev Med Interne. 2020. 41(6):358-359 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1016/j.revmed.2020.05.004
    • COVID-19
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Hazard A, Fournier L, Rossignol L, Pelletier Fleury N, Hervé C, Pitel T, Pino C, Saint-Lary O, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, François M. A top 5 list for French general practice. BMC Fam Pract. 2020. 21(1):161 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12875-020-01235-5
    • Médecine Générale
  • Masse S, Capai L, Villechenaud N, Blanchon T, Charrel R, Falchi A. Epidemiology and Clinical Symptoms Related to Seasonal Coronavirus Identified in Patients with Acute Respiratory Infections Consulting in Primary Care over Six Influenza Seasons (2014-2020) in France. Viruses. 2020. 12(6) PubMed HAL PMC 10.3390/v12060630
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Rivière M, Toullic Y, Lerouge P, Blanchon T, Leroyer A, Plancke L, Prazuck T, Melchior M, Younès N. Management of work-related common mental disorders in general practice: a cross-sectional study. BMC Fam Pract. 2020. 21(1):132 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12875-020-01203-z
    • Santé mentale
  • Rose A, Kissling E, Emborg HD, Larrauri A, McMenamin J, Pozo F, Trebbien R, Mazagatos C, Whitaker H, Valenciano M, European IVE group.. Interim 2019/20 influenza vaccine effectiveness: six European studies, September 2019 to January 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020. 25(10) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.10.2000153
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Souty C, Launay T, Steichen O, Conte C, Turbelin C, Sarazin M, Vilcu AM, Rossignol L, Blanchon T, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Hanslik T. Use of the French healthcare insurance database to estimate the prevalence of exposure to potential drug-drug interactions. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2020. 76(12):1675-1682 PubMed HAL 10.1007/s00228-020-02952-7
    • Médicaments
  • Younes N, Rivière M, Urbain F, Pons R, Hanslik T, Rossignol L, Chan Chee C, Blanchon T. Management in primary care at the time of a suicide attempt and its impact on care post-suicide attempt: an observational study in the French GP sentinel surveillance system. BMC Fam Pract. 2020. 21(1):55 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12875-020-01126-9
    • Actes suicidaires
    • Santé mentale
2019 (21)
  • Azevedo Da Silva M, Younès N, Leroyer A, Plancke L, Lemogne C, Goldberg M, Rivière M, Melchior M. Long-term occupational trajectories and suicide: a 22-year follow-up of the GAZEL cohort study. Scand J Work Environ Health. 2019. 45(2):158-165 PubMed HAL 10.5271/sjweh.3767
    • Actes suicidaires
    • Santé mentale
  • Capai L, Masse S, Gallian P, Souty C, Isnard C, Blanchon T, Peres B, de Lamballerie X, Charrel R, Falchi A. Seroprevalence Study of Anti-HEV IgG among Different Adult Populations in Corsica, France, 2019. Microorganisms. 2019. 7(10) PubMed HAL PMC 10.3390/microorganisms7100460 Lien
    • Hépatite
  • Cicculli V, Capai L, Quilichini Y, Masse S, Fernández-Alvarez A, Minodier L, Bompard P, Charrel R, Falchi A. Molecular investigation of tick-borne pathogens in ixodid ticks infesting domestic animals (cattle and sheep) and small rodents (black rats) of Corsica, France. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2019. 10(3):606-613 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2019.02.007
    • Maladie de Lyme
  • Domenech de Cellès M, Arduin H, Lévy-Bruhl D, Georges S, Souty C, Guillemot D, Watier L, Opatowski L. Unraveling the seasonal epidemiology of pneumococcus. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019. 116(5):1802-1807 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1073/pnas.1812388116
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Geneviève LD, Martani A, Wangmo T, Paolotti D, Koppeschaar C, Kjelsø C, Guerrisi C, Hirsch M, Woolley-Meza O, Lukowicz P, Flahault A, Elger BS. Participatory Disease Surveillance Systems: Ethical Framework. J Med Internet Res. 2019. 21(5):e12273 PubMed HAL PMC 10.2196/12273
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Guerrisi C, Ecollan M, Souty C, Rossignol L, Turbelin C, Debin M, Goronflot T, Boëlle PY, Hanslik T, Colizza V, Blanchon T. Factors associated with influenza-like-illness: a crowdsourced cohort study from 2012/13 to 2017/18. BMC Public Health. 2019. 19(1):879 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12889-019-7174-6
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Kalimeri K, Delfino M, Cattuto C, Perrotta D, Colizza V, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Duggan J, Edmunds J, Obi C, Pebody R, Franco AO, Moreno Y, Meloni S, Koppeschaar C, Kjelsø C, Mexia R, Paolotti D. Unsupervised extraction of epidemic syndromes from participatory influenza surveillance self-reported symptoms. PLoS Comput Biol. 2019. 15(4):e1006173 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006173 Lien
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Kissling E, Pozo F, Buda S, Vilcu AM, Gherasim A, Brytting M, Domegan L, Gómez V, Meijer A, Lazar M, Vučina VV, Dürrwald R, van der Werf S, Larrauri A, Enkirch T, O'Donnell J, Guiomar R, Hooiveld M, Petrović G, Stoian E, Penttinen P, Valenciano M, I-Move Primary Care Study Team. Low 2018/19 vaccine effectiveness against influenza A(H3N2) among 15-64-year-olds in Europe: exploration by birth cohort. Euro Surveill. 2019. 24(48) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.48.1900604
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Kissling E, Pozo F, Buda S, Vilcu AM, Rizzo C, Gherasim A, Horváth JK, Brytting M, Domegan L, Meijer A, Paradowska-Stankiewicz I, Machado A, Vučina VV, Lazar M, Johansen K, Dürrwald R, van der Werf S, Bella A, Larrauri A, Ferenczi A, Zakikhany K, O'Donnell J, Dijkstra F, Bogusz J, Guiomar R, Filipović SK, Pitigoi D, Penttinen P, Valenciano M, I-MOVE/I-MOVE+ study team.. Effectiveness of influenza vaccine against influenza A in Europe in seasons of different A(H1N1)pdm09 and the same A(H3N2) vaccine components (2016-17 and 2017-18). Vaccine X. 2019. 3:100042 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1016/j.jvacx.2019.100042
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Kissling E, Rose A, Emborg HD, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Pozo F, Trebbien R, Mazagatos C, Whitaker H, Valenciano M, European Ive Group. Interim 2018/19 influenza vaccine effectiveness: six European studies, October 2018 to January 2019. Euro Surveill. 2019. 24(8) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.1900121 Lien
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Luo G, Boelle PY, Turbelin C, Costantino F, Kerneis S, Said Nahal R, Breban M, Hanslik T. Abrupt and unexpected stressful life events are followed with increased disease activity in spondyloarthritis: A two years web-based cohort study. Joint Bone Spine. 2019. 86(2):203-209 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jbspin.2018.05.009
    • Maladie auto-immune
    • Santé mentale
  • Mathieu P, Gautier A, Raude J, Goronflot T, Launay T, Debin M, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Hanslik T, Jestin C, Colizza V, Blanchon T, Rossignol L. Population perception of mandatory childhood vaccination programme before its implementation, France, 2017. Euro Surveill. 2019. 24(25) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.25.1900053
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Santé publique
    • Vaccination
  • Piroulas C, Devillers L, Souty C, Sicsic J, Boisnault P, François M. Non-steroids anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of peritonsillar abscess in pharyngitis: a French longitudinal study in primary care†. Fam Pract. 2019. 36(4):425-430 PubMed HAL 10.1093/fampra/cmy111
    • Médecine Générale
    • Médicaments
  • Polyakov P, Souty C, Böelle PY, Breban R. Classification of Spatiotemporal Data for Epidemic Alert Systems: Monitoring Influenza-Like Illness in France. Am J Epidemiol. 2019. 188(4):724-733 PubMed HAL 10.1093/aje/kwy254
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Rossignol L, Feuillepain L, Ndeikoundam Ngangro N, Souty C, Fournet N, Le Strat Y, Baroux N, Hanslik T, Lot F, Blanchon T. Estimate of male urethritis incidences in France between 2007 and 2017 with a specific focus on Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Trichomonas vaginalis infections. BMC Infect Dis. 2019. 19(1):561 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12879-019-4202-1
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Urétrite
  • Septfons A, Goronflot T, Jaulhac B, Roussel V, De Martino S, Guerreiro S, Launay T, Fournier L, De Valk H, Figoni J, Blanchon T, Couturier E. Epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis through two surveillance systems: the national Sentinelles GP network and the national hospital discharge database, France, 2005 to 2016. Euro Surveill. 2019. 24(11) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.11.1800134 PDF
    • Maladie de Lyme
  • Souty C, Amoros P, Falchi A, Capai L, Bonmarin I, van der Werf S, Masse S, Turbelin C, Rossignol L, Vilcu AM, Lévy-Bruhl D, Lina B, Minodier L, Dorléans Y, Guerrisi C, Hanslik T, Blanchon T. Influenza epidemics observed in primary care from 1984 to 2017 in France: A decrease in epidemic size over time. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2019. 13(2):148-157 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1111/irv.12620 PDF
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Souty C, Masse S, Valette M, Behillil S, Bonmarin I, Pino C, Turbelin C, Capai L, Vilcu AM, Lina B, van der Werf S, Blanchon T, Falchi A, Hanslik T. Baseline characteristics and clinical symptoms related to respiratory viruses identified among patients presenting with influenza-like illness in primary care. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2019. 25(9):1147-1153 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1016/j.cmi.2019.01.014
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Ung A, Baidjoe AY, Van Cauteren D, Fawal N, Fabre L, Guerrisi C, Danis K, Morand A, Donguy MP, Lucas E, Rossignol L, Lefèvre S, Vignaud ML, Cadel-Six S, Lailler R, Jourdan-Da Silva N, Le Hello S. Disentangling a complex nationwide Salmonella Dublin outbreak associated with raw-milk cheese consumption, France, 2015 to 2016. Euro Surveill. 2019. 24(3) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.3.1700703
    • Gastroentérite
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Vilcu AM, Blanchon T, Sabatte L, Souty C, Maravic M, Hanslik T, Steichen O. Cross-validation of an algorithm detecting acute gastroenteritis episodes from prescribed drug dispensing data in France: comparison with clinical data reported in a primary care surveillance system, winter seasons 2014/15 to 2016/17. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2019. 19(1):110 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12874-019-0745-5
    • Gastroentérite
    • Médicaments
  • Vilcu AM, Sabatte L, Blanchon T, Souty C, Maravic M, Lemaitre M, Steichen O, Hanslik T. Association Between Acute Gastroenteritis and Continuous Use of Proton Pump Inhibitors During Winter Periods of Highest Circulation of Enteric Viruses. JAMA Netw Open. 2019. 2(11):e1916205 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2019.16205
    • Gastroentérite
    • Médicaments
2018 (18)
  • Adlhoch C, Snacken R, Melidou A, Ionescu S, Penttinen P, The European Influenza Surveillance Network. Dominant influenza A(H3N2) and B/Yamagata virus circulation in EU/EEA, 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons, respectively. Euro Surveill. 2018. 23(13) PubMed PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.13.18-00146
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Ariza M, Guerrisi C, Souty C, Rossignol L, Turbelin C, Hanslik T, Colizza V, Blanchon T. Healthcare-seeking behaviour in case of influenza-like illness in the French general population and factors associated with a GP consultation: an observational prospective study. BJGP Open. 2018. 1(4):bjgpopen17X101253 PubMed HAL PMC 10.3399/bjgpopen17X101253
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Médecine Générale
  • Coletti P, Poletto C, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Colizza V. Shifting patterns of seasonal influenza epidemics. Sci Rep. 2018. 8(1):12786 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1038/s41598-018-30949-x
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Domenech de Cellès M, Arduin H, Varon E, Souty C, Boëlle PY, Lévy-Bruhl D, van der Werf S, Soulary JC, Guillemot D, Watier L, Opatowski L. Characterizing and Comparing the Seasonality of Influenza-Like Illnesses and Invasive Pneumococcal Diseases Using Seasonal Waveforms. Am J Epidemiol. 2018. 187(5):1029-1039 PubMed HAL 10.1093/aje/kwx336
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Fournier L, Roussel V, Couturier E, Jaulhac B, Goronflot T, Septfons A, De Martino S, Guerreiro S, Launay T, De Valk H, Blanchon T. Épidémiologie de la borréliose de Lyme en médecine générale, France métropolitaine, 2009-2016 Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2018. (19-20):383-388 Lien PDF
    • Maladie de Lyme
  • François M, Clais B, Blanchon T, Souty C, Hanslik T, Rossignol L. Factors associated with the duration of symptoms in adult women with suspected cystitis in primary care. PLoS One. 2018. 13(7):e0201057 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0201057
    • Infection urinaire
  • Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Souty C, Poletto C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Bonmarin I, Levy-Bruhl D, Colizza V. The potential value of crowdsourced surveillance systems in supplementing sentinel influenza networks: the case of France. Euro Surveill. 2018. 23(25) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.25.1700337
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Hazard A, Bourrion B, Baltazard H, Fournier L, François M. Bénéfices et risques de la prescription d'un traitement homéopathique en prophylaxie antigrippale : exemple de l'influenzinum Exercer. 2018. 148:465-71 Lien PDF
    • Grippe
    • Médicaments
    • Surmédicalisation
  • Kissling E, Valenciano M, Pozo F, Vilcu AM, Reuss A, Rizzo C, Larrauri A, Horváth JK, Brytting M, Domegan L, Korczyńska M, Meijer A, Machado A, Ivanciuc A, Višekruna Vučina V, van der Werf S, Schweiger B, Bella A, Gherasim A, Ferenczi A, Zakikhany K, O Donnell J, Paradowska-Stankiewicz I, Dijkstra F, Guiomar R, Lazar M, Kurečić Filipović S, Johansen K, Moren A, I-MOVE/I-MOVE+ study team. 2015/16 I-MOVE/I-MOVE+ multicentre case-control study in Europe: Moderate vaccine effectiveness estimates against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and low estimates against lineage-mismatched influenza B among children. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2018. 12(4):423-437 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1111/irv.12520
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Marziano V, Poletti P, Béraud G, Boëlle PY, Merler S, Colizza V. Modeling the impact of changes in day-care contact patterns on the dynamics of varicella transmission in France between 1991 and 2015. PLoS Comput Biol. 2018. 14(8):e1006334 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006334
    • Modelisation
    • Varicelle
  • Rivière M, Leroyer A, Ferreira Carreira L, Blanchon T, Plancke L, Melchior M, Younès N. Which work-related characteristics are most strongly associated with common mental disorders? A cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2018. 8(8):e020770 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020770
    • Psychiatrie
    • Santé mentale
  • Rivière M, Plancke L, Leroyer A, Blanchon T, Prazuck T, Prouvost H, Sobczak B, De Pauw C, Ferreira Carreira L, Toullic Y, Lerouge P, Melchior M, Younes N. Prevalence of work-related common psychiatric disorders in primary care: The French Héraclès study. Psychiatry Res. 2018. 259:579-586 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.psychres.2017.09.008
    • Actes suicidaires
    • Psychiatrie
    • Santé mentale
  • Rondy M, Kissling E, Emborg HD, Gherasim A, Pebody R, Trebbien R, Pozo F, Larrauri A, McMenamin J, Valenciano M, I-Move/I-Move Group. Interim 2017/18 influenza seasonal vaccine effectiveness: combined results from five European studies. Euro Surveill. 2018. 23(9) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.9.18-00086
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Septfons A, Couturier E, Goronflot T, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, De Valk H. Borréliose de Lyme : estimation de l’incidence hospitalière en France en France de 2005 à 2016. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2018. (19-20):389-95 Lien
    • Maladie de Lyme
  • Souty C, Jreich R, LE Strat Y, Pelat C, Boëlle PY, Guerrisi C, Masse S, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Turbelin C. Performances of statistical methods for the detection of seasonal influenza epidemics using a consensus-based gold standard. Epidemiol Infect. 2018. 146(2):168-176 PubMed HAL 10.1017/S095026881700276X
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Valenciano M, Kissling E, Larrauri A, Nunes B, Pitigoi D, O'Donnell J, Reuss A, Horváth JK, Paradowska-Stankiewicz I, Rizzo C, Falchi A, Daviaud I, Brytting M, Meijer A, Kaic B, Gherasim A, Machado A, Ivanciuc A, Domegan L, Schweiger B, Ferenczi A, Korczyńska M, Bella A, Vilcu AM, Mosnier A, Zakikhany K, de Lange M, Kurečić Filipovićović S, Johansen K, Moren A, I-MOVE primary care multicentre case-control team.. Exploring the effect of previous inactivated influenza vaccination on seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness against medically attended influenza: Results of the European I-MOVE multicentre test-negative case-control study, 2011/2012-2016/2017. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2018. 12(5):567-581 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1111/irv.12562
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Vilcu AM, Souty C, Enouf V, Capai L, Turbelin C, Masse S, Behillil S, Valette M, Guerrisi C, Rossignol L, Blanchon T, Lina B, Hanslik T, Falchi A. Estimation of seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness using data collected in primary care in France: comparison of the test-negative design and the screening method. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2018. 24(4):431.e5-431.e12 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.cmi.2017.09.003
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Younès N, Rivière M, Plancke L, Leroyer A, Blanchon T, Da Silva MA, Melchior M. Work intensity in men and work-related emotional demands in women are associated with increased suicidality among persons attending primary care. J Affect Disord. 2018. Aug 1(235):565-573 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jad.2018.04.075
    • Actes suicidaires
    • Santé mentale
2017 (10)
  • Équipes de surveillance de la bronchiolite. Surveillance de la bronchiolite en France, saison 2016-2017. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 2017. 21:650-7
    • Epidémie
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Flicoteaux R, Protopopescu C, Tibi A, Blanchon T, Werf SV, Duval X, Mosnier A, Charlois-Ou C, Lina B, Leport C, Chevret S. Factors associated with non-persistence to oral and inhaled antiviral therapies for seasonal influenza: a secondary analysis of a double-blind, multicentre, randomised clinical trial. BMJ Open. 2017. 7(7):e014546 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-014546
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Médicaments
  • Hazard A, Pino C, Pelletier-Fleury N, Hanslik T, Saint-Lary O, Blanchon T, François M. "Top five list" française en médecine générale. Protocole de l'étude. Exercer. 2017. 134:282-6 Lien
    • Médecine Générale
    • Médicaments
    • Surmédicalisation
  • Kissling E, Rondy M, I-MOVE/I-MOVE+ study team. Early 2016/17 vaccine effectiveness estimates against influenza A(H3N2): I-MOVE multicentre case control studies at primary care and hospital levels in Europe. Euro Surveill. 2017. 22(7) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.7.30464
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Koppeschaar CE, Colizza V, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Duggan J, Edmunds WJ, Kjelsø C, Mexia R, Moreno Y, Meloni S, Paolotti D, Perrotta D, van Straten E, Franco AO. Influenzanet: Citizens Among 10 Countries Collaborating to Monitor Influenza in Europe. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2017. 3(3):e58 PubMed HAL PMC 10.2196/publichealth.7429 Lien
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Minodier L, Masse S, Capai L, Blanchon T, Ceccaldi PE, van der Werf S, Hanslik T, Charrel NR, Falchi A. Risk factors for seasonal influenza virus detection in stools of patients consulting in general practice for acute respiratory infections in France, 2014-2016. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2017. PubMed HAL PMC 10.1111/irv.12523
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Minodier L, Masse S, Capai L, Blanchon T, Ceccaldi PE, van der Werf S, Hanslik T, Charrel R, Falchi A. Clinical and virological factors associated with gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with acute respiratory infection: a two-year prospective study in general practice medicine. BMC Infect Dis. 2017. 17(1):729 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12879-017-2823-9
    • Gastroentérite
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Rivière M, Baroux N, Bousquet V, Ambert-Balay K, Beaudeau P, Jourdan-Da Silva N, Van Cauteren D, Bounoure F, Cahuzac F, Blanchon T, Prazuck T, Turbelin C, Hanslik T. Secular trends in incidence of acute gastroenteritis in general practice, France, 1991 to 2015. Euro Surveill. 2017. 22(50) PubMed HAL PMC 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2017.22.50.17-00121
    • Gastroentérite
  • Rossignol L, Vaux S, Maugat S, Blake A, Barlier R, Heym B, Le Strat Y, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Coignard B. Incidence of urinary tract infections and antibiotic resistance in the outpatient setting: a cross-sectional study. Infection. 2017. 45(1):33-40 PubMed HAL 10.1007/s15010-016-0910-2
    • Infection urinaire
  • Souty C, Vilcu AM, Capai L, van der Werf S, Valette M, Blanchon T, Lina B, Behillil S, Hanslik T, Falchi A. Early estimates of 2016/17 seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in primary care in France. J Clin Virol. 2017. 95:1-4 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jcv.2017.08.002
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
    • Virologie
2016 (12)
  • Chawki S, Aouizerate J, Trad S, Prinseau J, Hanslik T. Bilateral sudden sensorineural hearing loss as a presenting feature of systemic lupus erythematosus: Case report and brief review of other published cases. Medicine (Baltimore). 2016. 95(36):e4345 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1097/MD.0000000000004345
    • Maladie auto-immune
  • François M, Hanslik T, Dervaux B, Le Strat Y, Souty C, Vaux S, Maugat S, Rondet C, Sarazin M, Heym B, Coignard B, Rossignol L. The economic burden of urinary tract infections in women visiting general practices in France: a cross-sectional survey. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016. 16(a):365 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12913-016-1620-2
    • Infection urinaire
  • Gonzalez Chiappe S, Lasserre A, Chartier-Kastler E, Falchi A, Blaizeau F, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Denys P. Use of clean intermittent self-catheterization in France: A survey of patient and GP perspectives. Neurourol Urodyn. 2016. 35(4):528-34 PubMed 10.1002/nau.22752
    • Urologie
  • Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Bonmarin I, Levy-Bruhl D, Perrotta D, Paolotti D, Smallenburg R, Koppeschaar C, Franco AO, Mexia R, Edmunds WJ, Sile B, Pebody R, van Straten E, Meloni S, Moreno Y, Duggan J, Kjelsø C, Colizza V. Participatory Syndromic Surveillance of Influenza in Europe. J Infect Dis. 2016. 214(suppl 4):S386-S392 PubMed 10.1093/infdis/jiw280
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Kernéis S, Turbelin C, Pagnoux C, Launay O, Mahr AD, Guillevin L, Boëlle PY, Hanslik T. Do vaccinations affect the clinical course of systemic necrotising vasculitis? A prospective observational web-based study. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2016. 34(3 Suppl 97):89-92 PubMed
    • Vaccination
  • Loubet P, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Blondel B, Launay O, Bardou M, Blanchon T, Bonmarin I, Goffinet F, Ancel PY, Colizza V, Hanslik T, Kernéis S. First nationwide web-based surveillance system for influenza-like illness in pregnant women: participation and representativeness of the French G-GrippeNet cohort. BMC Public Health. 2016. 16(1):253 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12889-016-2899-y
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Outils informatiques
  • Loubet P, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C, Blondel B, Launay O, Bardou M, Goffinet F, Colizza V, Hanslik T, Kernéis S, GGNET study group. Influenza during pregnancy: Incidence, vaccination coverage and attitudes toward vaccination in the French web-based cohort G-GrippeNet. Vaccine. 2016. 34(20):2390-6 PubMed 10.1016/j.vaccine.2016.03.034
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Masse S, Minodier L, Heuze G, Blanchon T, Capai L, Falchi A. Influenza-like illness outbreaks in nursing homes in Corsica, France, 2014-2015: epidemiological and molecular characterization. Springerplus. 2016. 5(1):1338 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s40064-016-2957-z
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Sarazin M, El Merini A, Staccini P. Impact of a Computer System and the Encoding Staff Organization on the Encoding Stays and on Health Institution Financial Production in France. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2016. 228:14-7 PubMed 10.3233/978-1-61499-678-1-14
    • Hospitalisation
    • Outils informatiques
  • Souty C, Boëlle PY. Improving incidence estimation in practice-based sentinel surveillance networks using spatial variation in general practitioner density. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2016. 16(1):156 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12874-016-0260-x Lien
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Modelisation
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Spiga R, Batton-Hubert M, Sarazin M. Predicting Fluctuating Rates of Hospitalizations in Relation to Influenza Epidemics and Meteorological Factors. PLoS One. 2016. 11(6):e0157492 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0157492
    • Climat
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Thierry P, Lasserre A, Rossignol L, Kernéis S, Blaizeau F, Stheneur C, Blanchon T, Levy-Bruhl D, Hanslik T. Human Papillomavirus vaccination in general practice in France, three years after the implementation of a targeted vaccine recommendation based on age and sexual history. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2016. 12(2):528-33 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1080/21645515.2015.1078042
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Vaccination
2015 (10)
  • Blanchon T, Geffrier F, Turbelin C, Daviaud I, Laouénan C, Duval X, Lambert B, Hanslik T, Mosnier A, Leport C. Use of neuraminidase inhibitors in primary health care during pandemic and seasonal influenza between 2009 and 2013. Antivir Ther. 2015. 20(7):753-61 PubMed HAL PMC 10.3851/IMP2945
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Médicaments
  • Bodin M, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Turbelin C, Fardet L. [Primary-care physicians' patient referral patterns to private versus public hospitals for cardiovascular diseases]. Ann Cardiol Angeiol (Paris). 2015. 64(2):94-9 PubMed 10.1016/j.ancard.2015.01.009
    • Cardiologie
    • Hospitalisation
  • Boiron K, Sarazin M, Debin M, Raude J, Rossignol L, Guerrisi C, Odinkemelu D, Hanslik T, Colizza V, Blanchon T. Opinion about seasonal influenza vaccination among the general population 3 years after the A(H1N1)pdm2009 influenza pandemic. Vaccine. 2015. 33(48):6849-54 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.vaccine.2015.08.067
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Minodier L, Charrel RN, Ceccaldi PE, van der Werf S, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Falchi A. Prevalence of gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with influenza, clinical significance, and pathophysiology of human influenza viruses in faecal samples: what do we know? Virol J. 2015. 12(1):215 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12985-015-0448-4
    • Gastroentérite
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Rossignol L, Maugat S, Blake A, Vaux S, Heym B, Le Strat Y, Kernéis S, Blanchon T, Coignard B, Hanslik T. Risk factors for resistance in urinary tract infections in women in general practice: A cross-sectional survey. J Infect. 2015. 71(3):302-11 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jinf.2015.05.012
    • Infection urinaire
  • Sarazin M, Roberton F, Charles R, Falchi A, Chiappe SG, Blanchon T, Lucht F, Hanslik T. A survey of French general practitioners on the epidemiology of wounds in family practice. Int J Gen Med. 2015. 8:215-20 PubMed PMC 10.2147/IJGM.S75189
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médecine Générale
    • Vaccination
  • Souty C, Blanchon T, Bonmarin I, Lévy-Bruhl D, Behillil S, Enouf V, Valette M, Bouscambert M, Turbelin C, Capai L, Roussel V, Hanslik T, Falchi A. Early estimates of 2014/15 seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in preventing influenza-like illness in general practice using the screening method in France. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2015. 11(7):1621-5 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1080/21645515.2015.1046661
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Souty C, Boos E, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Boëlle PY. Vaccination against varicella as post-exposure prophylaxis in adults: A quantitative assessment. Vaccine. 2015. 33(3):446-50 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.vaccine.2014.11.045
    • Vaccination
    • Varicelle
  • Van Cauteren D, Turbelin C, Fonteneau L, Hanslik T, De Valk H, Blanchon T. Physician practices in requesting stool samples for patients with acute gastroenteritis, France, August 2013-July 2014. Epidemiol Infect. 2015. 143(12):2532-8 PubMed 10.1017/S0950268814003884
    • Gastroentérite
  • Younes N, Melchior M, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Chee CC. Attempted and completed suicide in primary care: not what we expected? J Affect Disord. 2015. 170:150-4 PubMed 10.1016/j.jad.2014.08.037
    • Actes suicidaires
    • Santé mentale
2014 (12)
  • Arena C, Amoros JP, Vaillant V, Ambert-Balay K, Chikhi-Brachet R, Jourdan-Da Silva N, Varesi L, Arrighi J, Souty C, Blanchon T, Falchi A, Hanslik T. Acute diarrhea in adults consulting a general practitioner in France during winter: incidence, clinical characteristics, management and risk factors. BMC Infect Dis. 2014. 14(1):574 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12879-014-0574-4 Lien
    • Gastroentérite
  • Bajardi P, Vespignani A, Funk S, Eames KT, Edmunds WJ, Turbelin C, Debin M, Colizza V, Smallenburg R, Koppeschaar CE, Franco AO, Faustino V, Carnahan A, Rehn M, Paolotti D. Determinants of follow-up participation in the internet-based European influenza surveillance platform influenzanet. J Med Internet Res. 2014. 16(3):e78 PubMed HAL PMC 10.2196/jmir.3010
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Cantarelli P, Debin M, Turbelin C, Poletto C, Blanchon T, Falchi A, Hanslik T, Bonmarin I, Levy-Bruhl D, Micheletti A, Paolotti D, Vespignani A, Edmunds J, Eames K, Smallenburg R, Koppeschaar C, Franco AO, Faustino V, Carnahan A, Rehn M, Colizza V. The representativeness of a European multi-center network for influenza-like-illness participatory surveillance. BMC Public Health. 2014. 14(1):984 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1471-2458-14-984
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Debin M, Colizza V, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Turbelin C, Falchi A. Effectiveness of 2012-2013 influenza vaccine against influenza-like illness in general population: estimation in a French web-based cohort. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2014. 10(3):536-43 PubMed HAL PMC 10.4161/hv.27439
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Fantoni A, Arena C, Corrias L, Salez N, de Lamballerie X, Amoros JP, Blanchon T, Varesi L, Falchi A. Genetic drift of influenza A(H3N2) viruses during two consecutive seasons in 2011-2013 in Corsica, France. J Med Virol. 2014. 86(4):585-91 PubMed 10.1002/jmv.23745
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Grohs P, Kernéis S, Sabatier B, Lavollay M, Carbonnelle E, Rostane H, Souty C, Meyer G, Gutmann L, Mainardi JL. Fighting the spread of AmpC-hyperproducing Enterobacteriaceae: beneficial effect of replacing ceftriaxone with cefotaxime. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2014. 69(3):786-9 PubMed 10.1093/jac/dkt403
    • Antibiorésistance
    • Médicaments
  • Kernéis S, Launay O, Turbelin C, Batteux F, Hanslik T, Boëlle PY. Long-term Immune Responses to Vaccination in HIV-Infected Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Clin Infect Dis. 2014. 58(8):1130-9 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1093/cid/cit937
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Vaccination
    • VIH
  • Minodier L, Arena C, Heuze G, Ruello M, Amoros JP, Souty C, Varesi L, Falchi A. Epidemiology and Viral Etiology of the Influenza-Like Illness in Corsica during the 2012-2013 Winter: An Analysis of Several Sentinel Surveillance Systems. PLoS One. 2014. 9(6):e100388 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0100388
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Virologie
  • Minodier L, Blanchon T, Souty C, Turbelin C, Leccia F, Varesi L, Falchi A. Influenza vaccine effectiveness: best practice and current limitations of the screening method and their implications for the clinic. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2014. 13(8):1039-48 PubMed 10.1586/14760584.2014.930666
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Vaccination
  • Paolotti D, Carnahan A, Colizza V, Eames K, Edmunds J, Gomes G, Koppeschaar C, Rehn M, Smallenburg R, Turbelin C, Van Noort S, Vespignani A. Web-based participatory surveillance of infectious diseases: the Influenzanet participatory surveillance experience. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2014. 20(1):17-21 PubMed PMC 10.1111/1469-0691.12477
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Souty C, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Le Strat Y, Boelle PY. Improving disease incidence estimates in primary care surveillance systems. Popul Health Metrics. 2014. 12(1):19 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/s12963-014-0019-8 Lien
    • Gastroentérite
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
    • Varicelle
  • Vandenesch A, Turbelin C, Couturier E, Arena C, Jaulhac B, Ferquel E, Choumet V, Saugeon C, Coffinieres E, Blanchon T, Vaillant V, Hanslik T. Incidence and hospitalisation rates of Lyme borreliosis, France, 2004 to 2012. Euro Surveill. 2014. 19(34) PubMed HAL 10.2807/1560-7917.es2014.19.34.20883 Lien
    • Maladie de Lyme
2013 (16)
  • Blanchon T, Mentré F, Charlois-Ou C, Dornic Q, Mosnier A, Bouscambert M, Carrat F, Duval X, Enouf V, Leport C, the Bivir Study Group. Factors associated with clinical and virological response in patients treated with oseltamivir or zanamivir for influenza A during the 2008-2009 winter. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2013. 19(2):196-203 PubMed HAL 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2011.03751.x
    • Grippe
    • Médicaments
  • Debin M, Souty C, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Boëlle PY, Hanslik T, Hejblum G, Le Strat Y, Quintus F, Falchi A. Determination of French influenza outbreaks periods between 1985 and 2011 through a web-based Delphi method. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2013. 13(1):138 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1472-6947-13-138
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Debin M, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Bonmarin I, Falchi A, Hanslik T, Levy-Bruhl D, Poletto C, Colizza V. Evaluating the feasibility and participants' representativeness of an online nationwide surveillance system for influenza in france. PLoS One. 2013. 8(9):e73675 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0073675
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Falchi A, Souty C, Grisoni ML, Mosnier A, Hanslik T, Daviaud I, Varesi L, Kerneis S, Carrat F, Blanchon T. Field seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness: evaluation of the screening method using different sources of data during the 2010/2011 French influenza season. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2013. 9(11):2453-9 PubMed PMC 10.4161/hv.25513
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Lungarde K, Blaizeau F, Auger-Aubin I, Floret D, Gilberg S, Jestin C, Hanslik T, Le Goaster C, Lévy-Bruhl D, Blanchon T, Rossignol L. How French physicians manage with a future change in the primary vaccination of infants against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and poliomyelitis? A qualitative study with focus groups. BMC Fam Pract. 2013. 14(1):85 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1471-2296-14-85
    • Perception des MG
    • Vaccination
  • Pelat C, Lasserre A, Xavier A, Turbelin C, Blanchon T, Hanslik T. Hospitalization of influenza-like illness patients recommended by general practitioners in France between 1997 and 2010. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. 2013. 7(1):74-84 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2012.00356.x
    • Grippe
  • Privileggio L, Falchi A, Grisoni ML, Souty C, Turbelin C, Fonteneau L, Hanslik T, Kernéis S. Rates of immunization against pandemic and seasonal influenza in persons at high risk of severe influenza illness: a cross-sectional study among patients of the French Sentinelles general practitioners. BMC Public Health. 2013. 13(1):246 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1471-2458-13-246
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Rossignol L, Pelat C, Lambert B, Flahault A, Chartier-Kastler E, Hanslik T. A method to assess seasonality of urinary tract infections based on medication sales and google trends. PLoS One. 2013. 8(10):e76020 PubMed PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0076020 PDF
    • Infection urinaire
    • Médicaments
  • Rousseau AC, Blanchon T, Turbelin C, Cabane J, Hanslik T, Feron JM, Rousseau B, Fardet L. Primary-care physicians' patient referral patterns to private versus public hospitals for orthopaedic or trauma surgery-- French Sentinels® database, 1997-2011. Orthop Traumatol Surg Res. 2013. 99(6):731-5 PubMed 10.1016/j.otsr.2013.04.005
    • Hospitalisation
  • Roussel V, Tritz T, Souty C, Turbelin C, Arena C, Lambert B, Lillo-Lelouët A, Kernéis S, Blanchon T, Hanslik T. Estimating the excess of inappropriate prescriptions of anti-dopaminergic anti-emetics during acute gastroenteritis epidemics in France. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2013. 22(10):1080-5 PubMed 10.1002/pds.3486
    • Gastroentérite
    • Médicaments
  • Sarazin M, Chiappe SG, Kasprzyk M, Mismetti P, Lasserre A. A survey of French general practitioners and a qualitative study on their use and assessment of predictive clinical scores. Int J Gen Med. 2013. 6:419-26 PubMed PMC 10.2147/IJGM.S39022
    • Médecine Générale
  • Turbelin C, Boëlle PY. Exposing public health surveillance data using existing standards. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2013. 192:802-6 PubMed HAL Lien
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Turbelin C, Boëlle PY. Open data in public health surveillance systems: a case study using the French Sentinelles network. Int J Med Inform. 2013. 82(10):1012-21 PubMed 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2013.06.009
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Turbelin C, Souty C, Pelat C, Hanslik T, Sarazin M, Blanchon T, Falchi A. Age Distribution of Influenza Like Illness Cases during Post-Pandemic A(H3N2): Comparison with the Twelve Previous Seasons, in France. PLoS One. 2013. 8(6):e65919 PubMed PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0065919
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Younes N, Chan Chee C, Turbelin C, Hanslik T, Passerieux C, Melchior M. Particular difficulties faced by GPs with young adults who will attempt suicide: a cross-sectional study. BMC Fam Pract. 2013. 14(1):68 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1471-2296-14-68
    • Actes suicidaires
  • Zeboulon-Ktorza N, Boelle PY, Nahal RS, D'agostino MA, Vibert JF, Turbelin C, Madrakian H, Durand E, Launay O, Mahr A, Flahault A, Breban M, Hanslik T. Influence of environmental factors on disease activity in spondyloarthritis: a prospective cohort study. J Rheumatol. 2013. 40(4):469-75 PubMed 10.3899/jrheum.121081
    • Maladie auto-immune
2012 (8)
  • Arena C, Amoros JP, Vaillant V, Balay K, Chikhi-Brachet R, Varesi L, Arrighi J, Blanchon T, Carrat F, Hanslik T, Falchi A. Simultaneous investigation of influenza and enteric viruses in the stools of adult patients consulting in general practice for acute diarrhea. Virol J. 2012. 9(1):116 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1743-422X-9-116
    • Gastroentérite
    • Grippe
  • Blaizeau F, Lasserre A, Rossignol L, Blanchon T, Kernéis S, Hanslik T, Levy-Bruhl D. Practices of French family physicians concerning varicella vaccination for teenagers. Med Mal Infect. 2012. 42(9):429-34 PubMed 10.1016/j.medmal.2012.07.013
    • Perception des MG
    • Vaccination
    • Varicelle
  • Carrat F, Duval X, Tubach F, Mosnier A, van der Werf S, Tibi A, Blanchon T, Leport C, Flahault A, Mentré F, BIVIR study group. Effect of oseltamivir, zanamivir or oseltamivir-zanamivir combination treatments on transmission of influenza in households. Antivir Ther. 2012. 17(6):1085-90 PubMed 10.3851/IMP2128
    • Grippe
    • Médicaments
  • Coffinières E, Turbelin C, Riblier D, Aouba A, Levy-Bruhl D, Arena C, Chiappe SG, Ferry JP, Hanslik T, Blanchon T. Mumps: burden of disease in France. Vaccine. 2012. 30(49):7013-8 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.09.070
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Oreillons
  • Escuret V, Cornu C, Boutitie F, Enouf V, Mosnier A, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Gaillard S, Duval X, Blanchon T, Leport C, Gueyffier F, van der Werf S, Lina B. Oseltamivir-zanamivir bitherapy compared to oseltamivir monotherapy in the treatment of pandemic 2009 influenza A(H1N1) virus infections. Antiviral Res. 2012. 96(2):130-7 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.antiviral.2012.08.002
    • Grippe
    • Médicaments
  • Lasserre A, Blaizeau F, Gorwood P, Bloch K, Chauvin P, Liard F, Blanchon T, Hanslik T. Herpes zoster: Family history and psychological stress-Case-control study. J Clin Virol. 2012. 55(2):153-7 PubMed 10.1016/j.jcv.2012.06.020
    • Zona
  • Reuter PG, Kernéis S, Turbelin C, Souty C, Arena C, Gavazzi G, Sarazin M, Blanchon T, Hanslik T. [Orientation of patients referred by their general practionner to the public or private hospital sector in France: A prospective epidemiologic study]. Rev Med Interne. 2012. 33(12):672-7 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.revmed.2012.08.010
    • Hospitalisation
  • Zerah L, Arena C, Morin AS, Blanchon T, Cabane J, Fardet L. [Patients' beliefs about long-term glucocorticoid therapy and their association to treatment adherence]. Rev Med Interne. 2012. 33(6):300-4 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2012.02.001
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
2011 (9)
  • Boëlle PY, Ansart S, Cori A, Valleron AJ. Transmission parameters of the A/H1N1 (2009) influenza virus pandemic: a review. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. 2011. 5(5):306-16 PubMed PMC 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2011.00234.x
    • Biostatistiques
    • Grippe
  • Falchi A, Amoros JP, Arena C, Arrighi J, Casabianca F, Andreoletti L, Turbelin C, Flahault A, Blanchon T, Hanslik T, Varesi L. Genetic structure of human A/H1N1 and A/H3N2 influenza virus on Corsica Island: phylogenetic analysis and vaccine strain match, 2006-2010. PLoS One. 2011. 6(9):e24471 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0024471
    • Grippe
    • Virologie
  • Falchi A, Lasserre A, Gallay A, Blanchon T, Sednaoui P, Lassau F, Massari V, Turbelin C, Hanslik T. A survey of primary care physician practices in antibiotic prescribing for the treatment of uncomplicated male gonoccocal urethritis. BMC Fam Pract. 2011. 12(1):35 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1471-2296-12-35
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Urétrite
  • Falchi A, Turbelin C, Andreoletti L, Arena C, Blanchon T, Bonmarin I, Hanslik T, Leruez-Ville M, De Lamballerie X, Carrat F. Nationwide surveillance of 18 respiratory viruses in patients with influenza-like illnesses: A pilot feasibility study in the French Sentinel Network. J Med Virol. 2011. 83(8):1451-7 PubMed HAL Peer 10.1002/jmv.22113
    • Grippe
    • Systèmes de surveillance
    • Virologie
  • Lasserre A, Laurent E, Turbelin C, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Guiso N. Pertussis incidence among adolescents and adults surveyed in general practices in the Paris area, France, May 2008 to March 2009. Euro Surveill. 2011. 16(5) PubMed Euro Surv
    • Coqueluche
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médecine Générale
  • Min-Jung K, Nembhard HB, Lambert B, Turbelin C, Flahault A, Vergu E. A syndromic surveillance system for clinical and non-clinical health data. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engine. 2011. 1(1):37-48 HAL Lien
    • Biostatistiques
    • Médicaments
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Pelat C, Falchi A, Carrat F, Mosnier A, Bonmarin I, Turbelin C, Vaux S, van der Werf S, Cohen JM, Lina B, Blanchon T, Hanslik T. Field Effectiveness of Pandemic and 2009-2010 Seasonal Vaccines against 2009-2010 A(H1N1) Influenza: Estimations from Surveillance Data in France. PLoS One. 2011. 6(5):e19621 PubMed PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0019621
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Rossignol L, Guthmann JP, Kernéis S, Aubin-Auger I, Lasserre A, Chauvin P, Pelat C, Hanslik T, Lévy-Bruhl D, Blanchon T. Barriers to implementation of the new targeted BCG vaccination in France: a cross sectional study. Vaccine. 2011. 29(32):5232-7 PubMed 10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.05.020
    • Médecine Générale
    • Pédiatrie
    • Perception des MG
    • Tuberculose
    • Vaccination
  • Soumahoro MK, Boelle PY, Gaüzere BA, Atsou K, Pelat C, Lambert B, La Ruche G, Gastellu-Etchegorry M, Renault P, Sarazin M, Yazdanpanah Y, Flahault A, Malvy D, Hanslik T. The Chikungunya Epidemic on La Réunion Island in 2005-2006: A Cost-of-Illness Study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2011. 5(6):e1197 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pntd.0001197
    • Chikungunya
    • Epidémie
    • Maladies infectieuses
2010 (22)
  • Arena C,Morin AS,Blanchon T,Hanslik T,Cabane J,Dupuy A,Fardet L. Impact of glucocorticoid-induced adverse events on adherence in patients receiving long-term systemic glucocorticoid therapy. Br J Dermatol. 2010. 163(4):832-7 PubMed 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2010.09877.x
    • Corticoïdes
    • Dermatologie
    • Médicaments
  • Canini L, Andreoletti L, Ferrari P, D'Angelo R, Blanchon T, Lemaitre M, Filleul L, Ferry JP, Desmaizieres M, Smadja S, Valleron AJ, Carrat F. Surgical mask to prevent influenza transmission in households: a cluster randomized trial. PLoS One. 2010. 5(11):e13998 PubMed PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0013998
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Carrat F,Pelat C,Levy-Bruhl D,Bonmarin I,Lapidus N. Planning for the next influenza H1N1 season: a modelling study. BMC Infect Dis. 2010. 10:301 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1471-2334-10-301
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Dumortier C, Djossou F, Bernuau J, Basurko C, Blanchon T, Flahault A, Leport C. Factors Associated With Increased Serum Alanine Aminotransferase Levels During the French Guiana Dengue Epidemic of 2005-2006 Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice. 2010. 18(1):41-45
    • Epidémie
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Duval X, van der Werf S, Blanchon T, Mosnier A, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Tibi A, Enouf V, Charlois-Ou C, Vincent C, Andreoletti L, Tubach F, Lina B, Mentré F, Leport C, BIVIR study group. Efficacy of oseltamivir-zanamivir combination compared to each monotherapy for seasonal influenza: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. PLoS Med. 2010. 7(11):e1000362 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pmed.1000362
    • Grippe
    • Médicaments
  • Falchi A, Lasserre A, Bouyssou A, Turbelin C, Bianchi A, Blanchon T, Janier M, Hanslik T,Gallay A.. Is syphilis a health matter for the French general practitioners? Eur J Public Health. 2010. eletters Lien
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Perception des MG
    • Syphilis
  • Flahault A, Hanslik T. [Epidemiology of viral gastroenteritis in France and Europe]. Bull Acad Natl Med. 2010. 194(8):1415-24; discussion PubMed HAL
    • Gastroentérite
  • Gonzalez Chiappe S,Sarazin M,Turbelin C,Lasserre A,Pelat C,Bonmarin I,Chosidow O,Blanchon T,Hanslik T. Herpes zoster: Burden of disease in France. Vaccine. 2010. 28(50):7933-8 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.09.074
    • Zona
  • Hanslik T, Boelle PY, Flahault A. Preliminary estimation of risk factors for admission to intensive care units and for death in patients infected with A(H1N1)2009 influenza virus, France, 2009-2010. PLoS Curr. 2010. 2:RRN1150 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/currents.rrn1150
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Hanslik T, Kernéis S. La rougeole et l’interniste : une maladie à éliminer [Measles and the internist: a disease to eradicate]. Rev Med Interne. 2010. 31(9):593-5 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2010.07.005
    • Rougeole
  • Hanslik T, Kerneis S. Alors docteur, dois-je me faire vacciner contre la grippe A ? [So, doctor, should I take the pandemic flu shot]. Rev Med Interne. 2010. 31(1):1-3 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2009.11.005
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Huynh BT,Tual S,Turbelin C,Pelat C,Cecchi L,D'Amato G,Blanchon T,Annesi-Maesano I. Short-term effects of airborne pollens on asthma attacks as seen by general practitioners in the Greater Paris area, 2003-2007. Prim Care Respir J. 2010. 19(3):254-9 PubMed HAL PMC 10.4104/pcrj.2010.00027
    • Asthme
  • Kernéis S, Boëlle PY, Grais RF, Pavillon G, Jougla E, Flahault A, Simonsen L, Hanslik T. Mortality trends in systemic sclerosis in France and USA, 1980-1998: an age-period-cohort analysis. Eur J Epidemiol. 2010. 25(1):55-61 PubMed 10.1007/s10654-009-9403-2
    • Maladie auto-immune
  • Lasserre A, Younes N, Blanchon T, Cantegreil-Kallen I, Passerieux C, Thomas G, Chan Chee C, Hanslik T. Psychotropic drug use among older people in general practice: discrepancies between opinion and practice. Br J Gen Pract. 2010. 60(573):e156-62 PubMed PMC 10.3399/bjgp10X483922
    • Médecine Générale
    • Médicaments
    • Personnes agées
    • Psychiatrie
  • Lasserre A,Tison C,Turbelin C,Arena C,Guiso N,Blanchon T. Pertussis prevention and diagnosis practices for adolescents and adults among a national sample of French general practitioners. Prev Med. 2010. 51(1):90-1 PubMed 10.1016/j.ypmed.2010.04.001
    • Coqueluche
    • Médecine Générale
    • Santé publique
    • Vaccination
  • Lemaitre M,Carrat F. Comparative age distribution of influenza morbidity and mortality during seasonal influenza epidemics and the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. BMC Infect Dis. 2010. 10:162 PubMed PMC 10.1186/1471-2334-10-162
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Pelat C,Boëlle PY,Turbelin C,Lambert B,Valleron AJ. A method for selecting and monitoring medication sales for surveillance of gastroenteritis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2010. 19(10):1009-18 PubMed HAL 10.1002/pds.1965
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Gastroentérite
    • Médicaments
  • Prazuck T, Compte-Nguyen G, Pelat C, Sunder S, Blanchon T. Reducing gastroenteritis occurrences and their consequences in elementary schools with alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2010. 29(11):994-8 PubMed
    • Epidémie
    • Gastroentérite
    • Santé publique
  • Silhol R, Alvarez FP, Arena C, Amoros JP, Flahault A, Hanslik T, Boëlle PY. Micro and macro population effects in disease transmission: the case of varicella. Epidemiol Infect. 2010. 138(4):482-90 PubMed 10.1017/S0950268809990896
    • Biostatistiques
    • Varicelle
  • Soumahoro MK, Fontenille D, Turbelin C, Pelat C, Boyd A, Flahault A, Hanslik T. Imported chikungunya virus infection. Emerg Infect Dis. 2010. 16(1):162-3 PubMed PMC 10.3201/eid1601.080776
    • Chikungunya
    • Epidémie
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Turbelin C,Boëlle PY. Improving general practice based epidemiologic surveillance using desktop clients: the French Sentinel Network experience. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2010. 160(Pt 1):442-6 PubMed HAL PMC 10.3233/978-1-60750-588-4-442
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Valleron AJ, Guidet B. Real-time comparative monitoring of the A/H1N1 pandemic in France. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2010. 16(4):393-6 PubMed 10.1111/j.1469-0691.2010.03166.x
    • Grippe
2009 (16)
  • Ansart S, Pelat C, Boelle PY, Carrat F, Flahault A, Valleron AJ. Mortality burden of the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in Europe. Influenza Other Respi Viruses. 2009. 3(3):99-106 PubMed PMC 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2009.00080.x
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Santé publique
  • Duchet-Niedziolka P, Launay O, Coutsinos Z, Ajana F, Arlet P, Barrou B, Beytout J, Bouchaud O, Brouqui P, Buzyn A, Chidiac C, Couderc LJ, Debord T, Dellamonica P, Dhote R, Duboust A, Durrbach A, Fain O, Fior R, Godeau B, Goujard C, Hachulla E, Marchou B, . Vaccination in adults with auto-immune disease and/or drug related immune deficiency: results of the GEVACCIM Delphi survey. Vaccine. 2009. 27(10):1523-9 PubMed 10.1016/j.vaccine.2009.01.003
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
  • Falchi A, Paolini J, Desjobert JM, Melis A, Costa J, Varesi L. Phylogeography of Cistus creticus L. on Corsica and Sardinia inferred by the TRNL-F and RPL32-TRNL sequences of cpDNA. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2009. 52(2):538-43 PubMed 10.1016/j.ympev.2009.04.002
  • Falchi A, Varesi L, Arena C, Leveque N, Renois F, Blanchon T, Amoros JP, Andreoletti L. Co-circulation of two genetically distinct sub-groups of A/H3N2 influenza strains during the 2006-2007 epidemic season in Corsica Island, France. J Clin Virol. 2009. 45(3):265-8 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jcv.2009.05.004
    • Grippe
    • Virologie
  • Fardet L, Blanchon T, Perdoncini-Roux A, Kettaneh A, Tiev K, Turbelin C, Dorleans Y, Cabane J, Hanslik T. [Internal medicine physicians' perception of frequency and impact of corticosteroid-induced adverse events]. Rev Med Interne. 2009. 30(2):113-8 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2008.08.004
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
  • Flahault A, de Lamballerie X, Hanslik T. Symptomatic infections less frequent with H1N1pdm than with seasonal strains PLoS Curr. 2009. 1:RRN1140 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/currents.rrn1140
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Virologie
  • Lasserre A,Pelat C,Guéroult V,Hanslik T,Chartier-Kastler E,Blanchon T,Ciofu C,Montefiore ED,Alvarez FP,Bloch J. Urinary incontinence in French women: prevalence, risk factors, and impact on quality of life. Eur Urol. 2009. 56(1):177-83 PubMed 10.1016/j.eururo.2009.04.006
    • Incontinence
  • Lasserre A,Rivière M,Blanchon T,Alvarez F,Gaillat J,Romain O,Bouhour D,Guiso N. [Awareness and adherence to Pertussis vaccination guidelines by occupational medicine physicians in Paris healthcare institution]. Med Mal Infect. 2009. 39(5):325-9 PubMed 10.1016/j.medmal.2009.01.006
    • Coqueluche
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médecine Générale
    • Perception des MG
    • Vaccination
  • Lefébure P, Blanchon T, Kieffer A, Sarter H, Fournel F, Flahault A. [Profile of active investigators involved in a clinical trial in general medical practice]. Rev Mal Respir. 2009. 26(1):45-52 PubMed 10.1016/s0761-8425(09)70133-0
    • Cancérologie
  • Paolini J, Falchi A, Quilichini Y, Desjobert JM, Cian MC, Varesi L, Costa J. Morphological, chemical and genetic differentiation of two subspecies of Cistus creticus L. (C. creticus subsp. eriocephalus and C. creticus subsp. corsicus). Phytochemistry. 2009. 70(9):1146-60 PubMed 10.1016/j.phytochem.2009.06.013
  • Pelat C,Turbelin C,Bar-Hen A,Flahault A,Valleron AJ. More diseases tracked by using Google Trends. Emerg Infect Dis. 2009. 15(8):1327-8 PubMed PMC 10.3201/eid1508.090299
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Gastroentérite
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
    • Varicelle
  • Perdoncini-Roux A,Blanchon T,Hanslik T,Lasserre A,Turbelin C,Dorleans Y,Cabane J,Fardet L. Description of French general practitioners' practices regarding long term systemic corticosteroid therapy-associated measures. Rev Prat. 2009. 59(8 Suppl):19-24 PubMed
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
    • Perception des MG
  • Perdoncini-Roux A,Blanchon T,Hanslik T,Lasserre A,Turbelin C,Dorleans Y,Cabane J,Fardet L. General practitioners' perception of the impact of corticosteroid-induced adverse events. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2009. 57(2):93-7 PubMed 10.1016/j.respe.2008.12.009
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médecine Générale
    • Perception des MG
  • Piras IS, Falchi A, Melis A, De Cian MC, Calò CM, Vona G, Varesi L. High frequencies of short alleles of NOS1 (CA)n polymorphism in beta(0)39 carriers from Corsica Island (France). Exp Mol Pathol. 2009. 86(2):136-7 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.yexmp.2008.11.007
  • Soumahoro MK, Gérardin P, Boëlle PY, Perrau J, Fianu A, Pouchot J, Malvy D, Flahault A, Favier F, Hanslik T. Impact of Chikungunya virus infection on health status and quality of life: a retrospective cohort study. PLoS One. 2009. 4(11):e7800 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0007800
    • Chikungunya
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Turbelin C,Pelat C,Boëlle PY,Lévy-Bruhl D,Carrat F,Blanchon T,Hanslik T. Early estimates of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus activity in general practice in France: incidence of influenza-like illness and age distribution of reported cases. Euro Surveill. 2009. 14(39) PubMed HAL 10.2807/ese.14.39.19341-en
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
2008 (9)
  • Boëlle PY,Thomas G,Vergu E,Renault P,Valleron AJ,Flahault A. Investigating transmission in a two-wave epidemic of Chikungunya fever, Réunion Island. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 2008. 8(2):207-17 PubMed HAL 10.1089/vbz.2006.0620
    • Chikungunya
    • Epidémie
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Cauchemez S,Valleron AJ,Boëlle PY,Flahault A,Ferguson NM. Estimating the impact of school closure on influenza transmission from Sentinel data. Nature. 2008. 452(7188):750-4 PubMed 10.1038/nature06732
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Coutaux A, Salomon L, Rosenheim M, Baccard AS, Quiertant C, Papy E, Blanchon T, Collin E, Cesselin F, Binhas M, Bourgeois P, Pain Committee, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, AP-HP, Paris, France.. Care related pain in hospitalized patients: a cross-sectional study. Eur J Pain. 2008. 12(1):3-8 PubMed 10.1016/j.ejpain.2007.05.002
  • Falchi A, Piras IS, Vona G, Calo CM, Varesi L. Red blood cell polymorphisms in beta degrees-39 heterozygotes in Corsica Island (France). Am J Hematol. 2008. 83(2):173 PubMed HAL 10.1002/ajh.21094
  • Falchi A,Arena C,Andreoletti L,Jacques J,Leveque N,Blanchon T,Lina B,Turbelin C,Dorléans Y,Flahault A,Amoros JP,Spadoni G,Agostini F,Varesi L. Dual infections by influenza A/H3N2 and B viruses and by influenza A/H3N2 and A/H1N1 viruses during winter 2007, Corsica Island, France. J Clin Virol. 2008. 41(2):148-51 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jcv.2007.11.003
    • Grippe
    • Virologie
  • Fardet L, Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Perdoncini-Roux A, Kettaneh A, Tiev KP, Turbelin C, Dorleans Y, Cabane J. [Long-term systemic corticosteroid-therapy associated measures: description of the French internal medicine physicians' practices]. Rev Med Interne. 2008. 29(12):975-80 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2008.04.001
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
  • Flahault A. [The epidemiology of influenza pandemics]. Rev Mal Respir. 2008. 25(4):492-6 PubMed HAL 10.1016/s0761-8425(08)71590-0
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Kernéis S,Grais RF,Boëlle PY,Flahault A,Vergu E. Does the effectiveness of control measures depend on the influenza pandemic profile? PLoS One. 2008. 3(1):e1478 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0001478
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Mockenhaupt M, Viboud C, Dunant A, Naldi L, Halevy S, Bouwes Bavinck JN, Sidoroff A, Schneck J, Roujeau JC, Flahault A. Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis: assessment of medication risks with emphasis on recently marketed drugs. The EuroSCAR-study. J Invest Dermatol. 2008. 128(1):35-44 PubMed 10.1038/sj.jid.5701033
2007 (26)
  • Alvarez FP, Crépey P, Barthélemy M, Valleron AJ. sispread: A software to simulate infectious diseases spreading on contact networks. Methods Inf Med. 2007. 46(1):19-26 PubMed
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Outils informatiques
  • Barrier A, Roser F, Boëlle PY, Franc B, Tse C, Brault D, Lacaine F, Houry S, Callard P, Penna C, Debuire B, Flahault A, Dudoit S, Lemoine A. Prognosis of stage II colon cancer by non-neoplastic mucosa gene expression profiling. Oncogene. 2007. 26(18):2642-8 PubMed 10.1038/sj.onc.1210060
    • Cancérologie
  • Blanchon T, Bréchot JM, Grenier PA, Ferretti GR, Lemarié E, Milleron B, Chagué D, Laurent F, Martinet Y, Beigelman-Aubry C, Blanchon F, Revel MP, Friard S, Rémy-Jardin M, Vasile M, Santelmo N, Lecalier A, Lefébure P, Moro-Sibilot D, Breton JL, Carette MF,. Baseline results of the Depiscan study: a French randomized pilot trial of lung cancer screening comparing low dose CT scan (LDCT) and chest X-ray (CXR). Lung Cancer. 2007. 58(1):50-8 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.lungcan.2007.05.009
    • Cancérologie
  • Boëlle PY. [Theoretical epidemiology and vaccine]. Rev Med Interne. 2007. 28(3):161-5 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2006.12.003
    • Biostatistiques
    • Vaccination
  • Carrat F, Flahault A. Influenza vaccine: the challenge of antigenic drift. Vaccine. 2007. 25(39-40):6852-62 PubMed 10.1016/j.vaccine.2007.07.027
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
    • Vaccination
  • Colizza V, Barrat A, Barthélemy M, Valleron AJ, Vespignani A. Modeling the worldwide spread of pandemic influenza: baseline case and containment interventions. PLoS Med. 2007. 4(1):e13 PubMed PMC 10.1371/journal.pmed.0040013
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Denoeud L,Turbelin C,Ansart S,Valleron AJ,Flahault A,Carrat F. Predicting pneumonia and influenza mortality from morbidity data. PLoS One. 2007. 2(5):e464 PubMed PMC 10.1371/journal.pone.0000464
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Fardet L, Cabane J, Kettaneh A, Lebbé C, Flahault A. Corticosteroid-induced lipodystrophy is associated with features of the metabolic syndrome. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007. 46(7):1102-6 PubMed 10.1093/rheumatology/kem062
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
  • Fardet L, Cabane J, Lebbé C, Morel P, Flahault A. Incidence and risk factors for corticosteroid-induced lipodystrophy: a prospective study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007. 57(4):604-9 PubMed 10.1016/j.jaad.2007.04.018
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
  • Fardet L, Flahault A, Kettaneh A, Tiev KP, Généreau T, Tolédano C, Lebbé C, Cabane J. Corticosteroid-induced clinical adverse events: frequency, risk factors and patient's opinion. Br J Dermatol. 2007. 157(1):142-8 PubMed 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2007.07950.x
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
  • Fardet L, Flahault A, Kettaneh A, Tiev KP, Tolédano C, Cabane J. [Natural history of corticosteroid-induced lipodystrophy: a prospective follow-up of 37 patients]. Rev Med Interne. 2007. 28(12):825-31 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2007.06.002
  • Fardet L, Flahault A, Kettaneh A, Tiev KP, Tolédano C, Lebbe C, Cabane J. [Systemic corticosteroid therapy: patients' adherence to dietary advice and relationship between food intake and corticosteroid-induced lipodystrophy]. Rev Med Interne. 2007. 28(5):284-8 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2006.12.013
    • Corticoïdes
    • Médicaments
  • Fardet L, Kassar A, Cabane J, Flahault A. Corticosteroid-induced adverse events in adults: frequency, screening and prevention. Drug Saf. 2007. 30(10):861-81 PubMed 10.2165/00002018-200730100-00005
    • Corticoïdes
  • Flahault A. [Emerging infectious diseases: the example of the Indian Ocean chikungunya outbreak (2005-2006)]. Bull Acad Natl Med. 2007. 191(1):113-24; discussion 1 PubMed
    • Chikungunya
  • Flahault A, Aumont G, Boisson V, De Lamballerie X, Favier F, Fontenille D, Gaüzère BA, Journeaux S, Lotteau V, Paupy C, Sanquer MA, Setbon M. [Chikungunya, La Réunion and Mayotte, 2005-2006: an epidemic without a story?]. Sante Publique. 2007. 19 Suppl 3:S165-95 PubMed HAL
    • Chikungunya
    • Epidémie
  • Flahault A, Costagliola D. [Is lung cancer screening by the helical scanner justified?]. Med Sci (Paris). 2007. 23(3):333-4 PubMed 10.1051/medsci/2007233333
    • Cancérologie
  • Guerin PJ, Grais RF, Rottingen JA, Valleron AJ, Shigella Study Group. Using European travellers as an early alert to detect emerging pathogens in countries with limited laboratory resources. BMC Public Health. 2007. 7:8 PubMed PMC 10.1186/1471-2458-7-8
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Hanslik T. [Immunizations: a matter for all physicians]. Rev Med Interne. 2007. 28(1):1-2 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2006.06.004
    • Vaccination
  • Hanslik T, Blanchon T, Alvarez FP. [Immunization of adults against varicella and herpes zoster] Rev Med Interne. 2007. 28(3):166-72 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2006.12.004
    • Varicelle
    • Zona
  • Le Menach A, Takala S, McKenzie FE, Perisse A, Harris A, Flahault A, Smith DL. An elaborated feeding cycle model for reductions in vectorial capacity of night-biting mosquitoes by insecticide-treated nets. Malar J. 2007. 6:10 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1475-2875-6-10
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Modelisation
  • Legrand J,Grais RF,Boelle PY,Valleron AJ,Flahault A. Understanding the dynamics of Ebola epidemics. Epidemiol Infect. 2007. 135(4):610-21 PubMed PMC 10.1017/S0950268806007217
    • Biostatistiques
    • Bioterrorisme
    • Epidémie
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Massin L,Legrand J,Valleron AJ,Flahault A. Modelling outbreak control for pneumonic plague. Epidemiol Infect. 2007. 135(5):733-9 PubMed PMC 10.1017/S0950268806007345
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Modelisation
  • Melliez H, Boelle PY, Baron S, Mouton Y, Yazdanpanah Y. Effectiveness of childhood vaccination against rotavirus in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of Nigeria. Vaccine. 2007. 25(2):298-305 PubMed 10.1016/j.vaccine.2006.07.038
    • Gastroentérite
    • Pédiatrie
    • Vaccination
  • Pelat C, Boëlle PY, Cowling BJ, Carrat F, Flahault A, Ansart S, Valleron AJ. Online detection and quantification of epidemics. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2007. 7:29 PubMed PMC 10.1186/1472-6947-7-29
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Outils informatiques
    • Santé publique
  • Valin N,Flahault A,Lassau F,Janier M,Massari V. Study of partner-related and situational risk factors for symptomatic male urethritis. Eur J Epidemiol. 2007. 22(11):799-804 PubMed 10.1007/s10654-007-9184-4
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Urétrite
  • Vaquin-Villeminey C. Prévalence du burnout en médecine générale. Enquête nationale auprès de 221 médecins généralistes du réseau Sentinelles. Thèse de médecine générale. 2007.
    • Médecine Générale
    • Perception des MG
2006 (21)
  • Barrier A, Boelle PY, Roser F, Gregg J, Tse C, Brault D, Lacaine F, Houry S, Huguier M, Franc B, Flahault A, Lemoine A, Dudoit S. Stage II colon cancer prognosis prediction by tumor gene expression profiling. J Clin Oncol. 2006. 24(29):4685-91 PubMed 10.1200/JCO.2005.05.0229
    • Cancérologie
  • Boelle PY, Valleron AJ. Incubation period of human prion disease. Lancet. 2006. 368(9539):914; author reply 91 PubMed 10.1016/S0140-6736(06)69362-8
    • Maladie à Prion
  • Bousquet J, Flahault A, Vandenplas O, Ameille J, Duron JJ, Pecquet C, Chevrie K, Annesi-Maesano I. Natural rubber latex allergy among health care workers: a systematic review of the evidence. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006. 118(2):447-54 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.jaci.2006.03.048
    • Allergies
  • Cauchemez S, Boelle PY, Donnelly CA, Ferguson NM, Thomas G, Leung GM, Hedley AJ, Anderson RM, Valleron AJ. Real-time estimates in early detection of SARS. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12(1):110-3 PubMed PMC 10.3201/eid1201.050593
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • SRAS
  • Cauchemez S, Boëlle PY, Thomas G, Valleron AJ. Estimating in real time the efficacy of measures to control emerging communicable diseases. Am J Epidemiol. 2006. 164(6):591-7 PubMed 10.1093/aje/kwj274
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Cauchemez S, Temime L, Valleron AJ, Varon E, Thomas G, Guillemot D, Boëlle PY. S. pneumoniae transmission according to inclusion in conjugate vaccines: Bayesian analysis of a longitudinal follow-up in schools. BMC Infect Dis. 2006. 6:14 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1471-2334-6-14
    • Biostatistiques
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Vaccination
  • Crépey P, Alvarez FP, Barthélemy M. Epidemic variability in complex networks. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2006. 73(4 Pt 2):046131 PubMed 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.046131
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
  • Flahault A. Global monitoring of influenza: potential contribution of national networks from a French perspective. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2006. 4(3):387-93 PubMed 10.1586/14787210.4.3.387
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Flahault A, Blanchon T, Dorléans Y, Toubiana L, Vibert JF, Valleron AJ. Virtual surveillance of communicable diseases: a 20-year experience in France. Stat Methods Med Res. 2006. 15(5):413-21 PubMed 10.1177/0962280206071639
    • Médecine Générale
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Flahault A, Vergu E, Coudeville L, Grais RF. Strategies for containing a global influenza pandemic. Vaccine. 2006. 24(44-46):6751-5 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.vaccine.2006.05.079
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Hanslik T, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. [Risk-benefit assessment of hepatitis B vaccination in France, 2006]. Rev Med Interne. 2006. 27(1):40-5 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2005.06.001
    • Hépatite
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Lavenu A, Leruez-Ville M, Chaix ML, Boelle PY, Rogez S, Freymuth F, Hay A, Rouzioux C, Carrat F. Detailed analysis of the genetic evolution of influenza virus during the course of an epidemic. Epidemiol Infect. 2006. 134(3):514-20 PubMed PMC 10.1017/S0950268805005686
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Virologie
  • Le Menach A, Vergu E, Grais RF, Smith DL, Flahault A. Key strategies for reducing spread of avian influenza among commercial poultry holdings: lessons for transmission to humans. Proc Biol Sci. 2006. 273(1600):2467-75 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1098/rspb.2006.3609
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Santé publique
  • Legrand J, Vergu E, Flahault A. Real-time monitoring of the influenza vaccine field effectiveness. Vaccine. 2006. 24(44-46):6605-11 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.vaccine.2006.05.063
    • Biostatistiques
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Vaccination
  • Massari V, Dorléans Y, Flahault A. Persistent increase in the incidence of acute male urethritis diagnosed in general practices in France. Br J Gen Pract. 2006. 56(523):110-4 PubMed PMC
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Médecine Générale
    • Urétrite
  • Massari V, Viboud C, Dorléans Y, Flahault A. Decline in HCV testing and compliance with guidelines in patients of Sentinelles general practitioners, 1996-2002. Eur J Epidemiol. 2006. 21(5):397-405 PubMed 10.1007/s10654-006-9011-3
    • Hépatite
    • Médecine Générale
    • Perception des MG
  • Parola P, de Lamballerie X, Jourdan J, Rovery C, Vaillant V, Minodier P, Brouqui P, Flahault A, Raoult D, Charrel RN. Novel chikungunya virus variant in travelers returning from Indian Ocean islands. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12(10):1493-9 PubMed PMC 10.3201/eid1210.060610
    • Chikungunya
  • Poujol-Robert A, Boëlle PY, Wendum D, Poupon R, Robert A. Association between ABO blood group and fibrosis severity in chronic hepatitis C infection. Dig Dis Sci. 2006. 51(9):1633-6 PubMed 10.1007/s10620-006-9121-5
    • Hépatite
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Temime L, Guillemot D, Boëlle PY. Pneumococcal resistance in the postvaccine era. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2006. 25(4):382-3 PubMed HAL 10.1097/01.inf.0000210460.21966.f1
    • Antibiorésistance
    • Vaccination
  • Valleron AJ, Boelle PY, Chatignoux E, Cesbron JY. Can a second wave of new variant of the CJD be discarded in absence of observation of clinical non Met-Met cases? Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2006. 54(2):111-5 PubMed HAL 10.1016/s0398-7620(06)76704-9
    • Biostatistiques
    • Maladie à Prion
  • Vergu E, Grais RF, Sarter H, Fagot JP, Lambert B, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Medication sales and syndromic surveillance, France. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006. 12(3):416-21 PubMed PMC 10.3201/eid1205.050573
    • Biostatistiques
    • Médicaments
    • Systèmes de surveillance
2005 (21)
  • Barrier A, Boelle PY, Lemoine A, Tse C, Brault D, Chiappini F, Lacaine F, Houry S, Huguier M, Flahault A, Dudoit S. Gene expression profiling of nonneoplastic mucosa may predict clinical outcome of colon cancer patients. Dis Colon Rectum. 2005. 48(12):2238-48 PubMed 10.1007/s10350-005-0175-9
    • Cancérologie
  • Barrier A, Lemoine A, Boelle PY, Tse C, Brault D, Chiappini F, Breittschneider J, Lacaine F, Houry S, Huguier M, Van der Laan MJ, Speed T, Debuire B, Flahault A, Dudoit S. Colon cancer prognosis prediction by gene expression profiling. Oncogene. 2005. 24(40):6155-64 PubMed 10.1038/sj.onc.1208984
    • Cancérologie
  • Cantegreil-Kallen I, Turbelin C, Olaya E, Blanchon T, Moulin F, Rigaud AS, Flahault A. Disclosure of diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in French general practice. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 2005. 20(4):228-32 PubMed 10.1177/153331750502000404
    • Alzheimer
    • Psychiatrie
  • Chaix B, Boëlle PY, Guilbert P, Chauvin P. Area-level determinants of specialty care utilization in France: a multilevel analysis. Public Health. 2005. 119(2):97-104 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.puhe.2004.05.006
    • Santé publique
  • Chaix B, Veugelers PJ, Boëlle PY, Chauvin P. Access to general practitioner services: the disabled elderly lag behind in underserved areas. Eur J Public Health. 2005. 15(3):282-7 PubMed HAL 10.1093/eurpub/cki082
    • Médecine Générale
    • Personnes agées
  • Ferguson NM, Cummings DA, Cauchemez S, Fraser C, Riley S, Meeyai A, Iamsirithaworn S, Burke DS. Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia. Nature. 2005. 437(7056):209-14 PubMed 10.1038/nature04017
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Modelisation
  • Flahault A, Cadilhac M, Thomas G. Sample size calculation should be performed for design accuracy in diagnostic test studies. J Clin Epidemiol. 2005. 58(8):859-62 PubMed 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2004.12.009
    • Biostatistiques
  • Gaillat J, Flahault A, deBarbeyrac B, Orfila J, Portier H, Ducroix JP, Bébéar C, Mayaud C. Community epidemiology of Chlamydia and Mycoplasma pneumoniae in LRTI in France over 29 months. Eur J Epidemiol. 2005. 20(7):643-51 PubMed 10.1007/s10654-005-5868-9
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Lacombe K, Gozlan J, Boelle PY, Serfaty L, Zoulim F, Valleron AJ, Girard PM. Long-term hepatitis B virus dynamics in HIV-hepatitis B virus-co-infected patients treated with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. AIDS. 2005. 19(9):907-15 PubMed 10.1097/01.aids.0000171404.07995.5c
    • Hépatite
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médicaments
  • Le Menach A, Legrand J, Grais RF, Viboud C, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Modeling spatial and temporal transmission of foot-and-mouth disease in France: identification of high-risk areas. Vet Res. 2005. 36(5-6):699-712 PubMed 10.1051/vetres:2005025
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Pédiatrie
  • Le Menach A, Martinez L, Ferrières J, Mourad J J, Chapman J, Vicaut E, Flahault A. [Evaluation of the prevalence and management of normocholesterolaemic and non coronary hypertensives in France] Arch Mal Coeur Vaiss. 2005. 98(3):205-11 PubMed
    • Cardiologie
  • Le Menach A, McKenzie FE, Flahault A, Smith DL. The unexpected importance of mosquito oviposition behaviour for malaria: non-productive larval habitats can be sources for malaria transmission. Malar J. 2005. 4(1):23 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1186/1475-2875-4-23
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Paludisme
  • Letrilliart L, Ragon B, Hanslik T, Flahault A. Lyme disease in France: a primary care-based prospective study. Epidemiol Infect. 2005. 133(5):935-42 PubMed PMC 10.1017/S0950268805004413
    • Maladie de Lyme
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Lévy PP, Duché L, Darago L, Dorléans Y, Toubiana L, Vibert JF, Flahault A. ICPCview: visualizing the International Classification of Primary Care. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2005. 116:623-8 PubMed HAL
  • Massari V, Dorléans Y, Flahault A. Trends in voluntary HIV testing in general practices in France between 1987 and 2002. Eur J Epidemiol. 2005. 20(6):543-7 PubMed 10.1007/s10654-005-4265-8
    • VIH
  • Melliez H, Boëlle PY, Baron S, Mouton Y, Yazdanpanah Y. [Morbidity and cost of rotavirus infections in France]. Med Mal Infect. 2005. 35(10):492-9 PubMed 10.1016/j.medmal.2005.08.007
    • Gastroentérite
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Pédiatrie
  • Provost AG. Prévention des lésions ulcérées du pied chez le diabétique: utilisation du monofilament en médecine générale. Enquête auprès de 500 médecins généralistes du réseau Sentinelles. Thèse de médecine générale. 2005. Lien PDF
    • Dermatologie
    • Diabète
    • Médecine Générale
  • Saudubray T, Saudubray C, Viboud C, Jondeau G, Valleron AJ, Flahault A, Hanslik T. [Prevalence and management of heart failure in France: national study among general practitioners of the Sentinelles network] Rev Med Interne. 2005. 26(11):845-50 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2005.04.038
    • Cardiologie
  • Setbon M, Raude J, Fischler C, Flahault A. Risk perception of the "mad cow disease" in France: determinants and consequences. Risk Anal. 2005. 25(4):813-26 PubMed 10.1111/j.1539-6924.2005.00634.x
  • Soussi T, Kato S, Levy PP, Ishioka C. Reassessment of the TP53 mutation database in human disease by data mining with a library of TP53 missense mutations. Hum Mutat. 2005. 25(1):6-17 PubMed HAL 10.1002/humu.20114
  • Temime L, Boëlle PY, Valleron AJ, Guillemot D. Penicillin-resistant pneumococcal meningitis: high antibiotic exposure impedes new vaccine protection. Epidemiol Infect. 2005. 133(3):493-501 PubMed HAL PMC 10.1017/s0950268804003565
    • Antibiorésistance
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Vaccination
2004 (18)
  • Abel A, Lassaunière JM,Flahault A. Prise en charge médicamenteuse de la douleur cancéreuse en médecin générale. Med Pal. 2004. 3:126-133 Lien
    • Cancérologie
    • Médecine Générale
  • Amsler E, Flahault A, Mathelier-Fusade P, Aractingi S. Evaluation of re-challenge in patients with suspected lidocaine allergy. Dermatology. 2004. 208(2):109-11 PubMed 10.1159/000076482
  • Cantegreil-Kallen I, Lieberherr D, Garcia A, Cadilhac M, Rigaud AS, Flahault A. [Detection of Alzheimer's disease in general medicine: preliminary results of a Sentinelles general practitioner's network survey] Rev Med Interne. 2004. 25(8):548-55 PubMed 10.1016/j.revmed.2004.02.013
    • Alzheimer
    • Médecine Générale
    • Personnes agées
    • Psychiatrie
  • Caumes E, Le Bris V, Couzigou C, Menard A, Janier M, Flahault A. Dermatoses associated with travel to Burkina Faso and diagnosed by means of teledermatology. Br J Dermatol. 2004. 150(2):312-6 PubMed 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2004.05745.x
    • Dermatologie
  • Debrix I, André T, Flahault A, Kalu O, Gligorov J, Lotz JP, Milleron B, Pene F, Boukari Y, Becker A. [Anticancer drugs use evaluation: limits of the approved labeling]. Bull Cancer. 2004. 91(5):437-43 PubMed
    • Cancérologie
  • Guittet L, Blaisdell CJ, Just J, Rosencher L, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Management of acute asthma exacerbations by general practitioners: a cross-sectional observational survey. Br J Gen Pract. 2004. 54(507):759-64 PubMed PMC
    • Asthme
  • Kosmidis EK, Pierrefiche O, Vibert JF. Respiratory-like rhythmic activity can be produced by an excitatory network of non-pacemaker neuron models. J Neurophysiol. 2004. 92(2):686-99 PubMed 10.1152/jn.00046.2004
  • Le Pont F, Letrilliart L, Massari V, Dorléans Y, Thomas G, Flahault A. Suicide and attempted suicide in France: results of a general practice sentinel network, 1999-2001. Br J Gen Pract. 2004. 54(501):282-4 PubMed PMC
    • Actes suicidaires
    • Psychiatrie
  • Legrand J, Viboud C, Boelle PY, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Modelling responses to a smallpox epidemic taking into account uncertainty. Epidemiol Infect. 2004. 132(1):19-25 PubMed PMC 10.1017/s0950268803001390
    • Biostatistiques
    • Modelisation
    • Variole
  • Lévy PP. The case view, a generic method of visualization of the case mix. Int J Med Inform. 2004. 73(9-10):713-8 PubMed HAL 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2004.04.014
  • Lévy PP. Caseview: building the reference set. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2004. 105:172-81 PubMed HAL
  • Maier-Redelsperger M, Flahault A, Neonato MG, Girot R, Labie D. Automated analysis of mature red blood cells and reticulocytes in SS and SC disease. Blood Cells Mol Dis. 2004. 33(1):15-24 PubMed 10.1016/j.bcmd.2004.03.005
  • Rosmorduc O, Hermelin B, Boelle PY, Poupon RE, Poupon R, Chazouillères O. ABCB4 gene mutations and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Gastroenterology. 2004. 126(4):1220-2; author reply PubMed 10.1053/j.gastro.2004.02.042
  • Setbon M, Fischler C, Lukasiewicz E, Raude J, Flahault A. Could measuring of perceived risk among general practitioners have helped anticipate the French BSE crisis? Eur J Epidemiol. 2004. 19(4):377-81 PubMed 10.1023/b:ejep.0000024666.81612.08
    • Médecine Générale
    • Perception des MG
  • Tse C, Lefevre G, Berkane N, Flahault A, Toumi K, Brault D, Capeau J, Uzan S. Increased serum maternal levels of the HER2 oncoprotein p105 ectodomain in preeclampsia. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2004. 42(2):142-6 PubMed 10.1515/CCLM.2004.026
  • Viboud C, Boëlle PY, Cauchemez S, Lavenu A, Valleron AJ, Flahault A, Carrat F. Risk factors of influenza transmission in households. Br J Gen Pract. 2004. 54(506):684-9 PubMed PMC
    • Grippe
  • Viboud C, Boëlle PY, Pakdaman K, Carrat F, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Influenza epidemics in the United States, France, and Australia, 1972-1997. Emerg Infect Dis. 2004. 10(1):32-9 PubMed PMC 10.3201/eid1001.020705
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Viboud C, Pakdaman K, Boëlle PY, Wilson ML, Myers MF, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Association of influenza epidemics with global climate variability. Eur J Epidemiol. 2004. 19(11):1055-9 PubMed 10.1007/s10654-004-2450-9
    • Climat
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
2003 (26)
  • Beaugerie L, Flahault A, Barbut F, Atlan P, Lalande V, Cousin P, Cadilhac M, Petit JC, Study Group. Antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and Clostridium difficile in the community. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2003. 17(7):905-12 PubMed 10.1046/j.1365-2036.2003.01531.x
    • Gastroentérite
    • Médicaments
  • Boëlle PY, Golliot F, Valleron AJ. A framework for benchmarking hospital performance: application to surgical site infection. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2003. 95:777-82 PubMed
    • Hospitalisation
  • Boëlle PY, Thomas G, Valleron AJ, Cesbron JY, Will R. Modelling the epidemic of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in the UK based on age characteristics: updated, detailed analysis. Stat Methods Med Res. 2003. 12(3):221-33 PubMed HAL 10.1191/0962280203sm329ra
    • Epidémie
  • Bourcier T, Viboud C, Cohen JC, Thomas F, Bury T, Cadiot L, Mestre O, Flahault A, Borderie V, Laroche L. Effects of air pollution and climatic conditions on the frequency of ophthalmological emergency examinations. Br J Ophthalmol. 2003. 87(7):809-11 PubMed PMC 10.1136/bjo.87.7.809
    • Climat
  • Couzigou C, Flahault A. Is pertussis being considered as a cause of persistent cough among adults? Eur J Epidemiol. 2003. 18(10):1013-5 PubMed 10.1023/a:1025860917328
    • Coqueluche
  • Ellies P, Bejjani RA, Bourges JL, Boelle PY, Renard G, Dighiero P. Phototherapeutic keratectomy for BIGH3-linked corneal dystrophy recurring after penetrating keratoplasty. Ophthalmology. 2003. 110(6):1119-25 PubMed 10.1016/S0161-6420(03)00229-X
  • Etienney I, Beaugerie L, Viboud C, Flahault A. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as a risk factor for acute diarrhoea: a case crossover study. Gut. 2003. 52(2):260-3 PubMed PMC 10.1136/gut.52.2.260
    • Gastroentérite
    • Médicaments
  • Flahault A. [SARS-CoV: 2. Modeling SARS epidemic]. Med Sci (Paris). 2003. 19(11):1161-4 PubMed 10.1051/medsci/200319111161
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Modelisation
  • Frija G, Flahault A, Lemarie E. [Spiral CT: is it time for lung cancer screening?]. Bull Acad Natl Med. 2003. 187(1):153-60 PubMed
    • Cancérologie
  • Gicquel C, Gaston V, Mandelbaum J, Siffroi JP, Flahault A, Le Bouc Y. In vitro fertilization may increase the risk of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome related to the abnormal imprinting of the KCN1OT gene. Am J Hum Genet. 2003. 72(5):1338-41 PubMed PMC 10.1086/374824
  • Hanslik T, Boëlle PY, Schwarzinger M, Carrat F, Freedberg KA, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Varicella in French adolescents and adults: individual risk assessment and cost-effectiveness of routine vaccination. Vaccine. 2003. 21(25-26):3614-22 PubMed 10.1016/s0264-410x(03)00405-5
    • Vaccination
    • Varicelle
  • Hanslik T, Hartig C, Jurand C, Armand-Lefevre L, Jubault V, Rouveix E, Dubourg O, Prinseau J, Baglin A, Nicolas-Chanoine MH. Clinical significance of tolerant strains of streptococci in adults with infective endocarditis. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2003. 9(8):852-7 PubMed 10.1046/j.1469-0691.2003.00648.x
  • Jourdan F, Sebbagh N, Comperat E, Mourra N, Flahault A, Olschwang S, Duval A, Hamelin R, Flejou JF. Tissue microarray technology: validation in colorectal carcinoma and analysis of p53, hMLH1, and hMSH2 immunohistochemical expression. Virchows Arch. 2003. 443(2):115-21 PubMed 10.1007/s00428-003-0833-z
  • Le Pont F, Pech N, Boelle PY, Giraud M, Gilloire A, Halfen S, de Colomby P, ACSAG Investigators. A new scale for measuring dynamic patterns of sexual partnership and concurrency: application to three French Caribbean regions. Sex Transm Dis. 2003. 30(1):6-9 PubMed 10.1097/00007435-200301000-00002
  • Marret E, Flahault A, Samama CM, Bonnet F. Effects of postoperative, nonsteroidal, antiinflammatory drugs on bleeding risk after tonsillectomy: meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Anesthesiology. 2003. 98(6):1497-502 PubMed 10.1097/00000542-200306000-00030
  • Mucignat V, De Montgolfier-Aubron I, Grillon C, Bourdareau F, Blond MH, Boëlle PY, Lebars MA, Baudon JJ, Gold F. [Postnatal growth delay in 27 to 33 week premature infants: frequency and risk factors. Retrospective study of 161 cases]. Arch Pediatr. 2003. 10(4):313-9 PubMed 10.1016/s0929-693x(03)00032-0
  • Rosmorduc O, Hermelin B, Boelle PY, Parc R, Taboury J, Poupon R. ABCB4 gene mutation-associated cholelithiasis in adults. Gastroenterology. 2003. 125(2):452-9 PubMed 10.1016/s0016-5085(03)00898-9
  • Schwartz L, Boëlle PY, D'hermies F, Ledanois G, Virmont J. Blue light dose distribution and retinitis pigmentosa visual field defects: an hypothesis. Med Hypotheses. 2003. 60(5):644-9 PubMed 10.1016/s0306-9877(02)00391-2
  • Temime L, Boëlle PY, Courvalin P, Guillemot D. Bacterial resistance to penicillin G by decreased affinity of penicillin-binding proteins: a mathematical model. Emerg Infect Dis. 2003. 9(4):411-7 PubMed HAL PMC 10.3201/eid0904.020213
    • Antibiorésistance
  • Tuckwell HC, Hanslik T, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. A mathematical model for evaluating the impact of vaccination schedules: application to Neisseria meningitidis. Epidemiol Infect. 2003. 130(3):419-29 PubMed PMC
    • Vaccination
  • Verstuyft C, Robert A, Morin S, Loriot MA, Flahault A, Beaune P, Funck-Brentano C, Jaillon P, Becquemont L. Genetic and environmental risk factors for oral anticoagulant overdose. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2003. 58(11):739-45 PubMed 10.1007/s00228-002-0538-2
  • Vibert JF, Alvarez F, Kosmidis EK. XNBC V9: a simulation package of biological neural networks for the neurobiologist, easy to use, full featured and extensible. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003. :1077 PubMed PMC
    • Outils informatiques
    • réseau de neurones
  • Vibert JF, Valleron AJ. The retina as a neuromimetic model to extract data in noisy images : application to detection of microcalcification clusters in mammography. AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2003. :684-8 PubMed PMC
  • Vibert JF, Valleron AJ. Automatic detection of microcalcifications in mammography using a neuromimetic system based on retina. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2003. 95:589-94 PubMed
    • Cancérologie
  • Viboud C, Boëlle PY, Carrat F, Valleron AJ, Flahault A. Prediction of the spread of influenza epidemics by the method of analogues. Am J Epidemiol. 2003. 158(10):996-1006 PubMed 10.1093/aje/kwg239
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Wendum D, Svrcek M, Rigau V, Boëlle PY, Sebbagh N, Parc R, Masliah J, Trugnan G, Fléjou JF. COX-2, inflammatory secreted PLA2, and cytoplasmic PLA2 protein expression in small bowel adenocarcinomas compared with colorectal adenocarcinomas. Mod Pathol. 2003. 16(2):130-6 PubMed 10.1097/01.MP.0000052101.58988.1F
2002 (23)
  • Alvarez F, Vibert JF. Self-oscillatory dynamics in recurrent excitatory networks. Neurocomputing. 2002. 44-46(257-262) Lien
  • Aveline C, El Metaoua S, Masmoudi A, Boelle PY, Bonnet F. The effect of clonidine on the minimum local analgesic concentration of epidural ropivacaine during labor. Anesth Analg. 2002. 95(3):735-40, table of con PubMed 10.1097/00000539-200209000-00037
  • Blanchon T, Lukasiewicz-Hajage E, Lemarié E, Milleron B, Bréchot JM, Flahault A, Groupe Dépiscan. [DEPISCAN--a pilot study to evaluate low dose spiral CT scanning as a screening method for bronchial carcinoma]. Rev Mal Respir. 2002. 19(6):701-5 PubMed
    • Cancérologie
  • Boëlle PY, Hanslik T. Varicella in non-immune persons: incidence, hospitalization and mortality rates. Epidemiol Infect. 2002. 129(3):599-606 PubMed PMC 10.1017/s0950268802007720
    • Varicelle
  • Carrat F, Sahler C, Rogez S, Leruez-Ville M, Freymuth F, Le Gales C, Bungener M, Housset B, Nicolas M, Rouzioux C. Influenza burden of illness: estimates from a national prospective survey of household contacts in France. Arch Intern Med. 2002. 162(16):1842-8 PubMed 10.1001/archinte.162.16.1842
    • Grippe
  • Challine D, Buisson M, Cadilhac M, Germanidis G, Joab I, Eliaszewicz M, Caumes E, Flahault A, Fillet AM, Pawlotsky JM, Seigneurin JM. Hepatitis C virus-Epstein-Barr virus interaction in patients with AIDS. J Med Virol. 2002. 67(4):510-5 PubMed 10.1002/jmv.10130
    • Hépatite
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • VIH
  • Chikhi-Brachet R, Bon F, Toubiana L, Pothier P, Nicolas JC, Flahault A, Kohli E. Virus diversity in a winter epidemic of acute diarrhea in France. J Clin Microbiol. 2002. 40(11):4266-72 PubMed PMC 10.1128/jcm.40.11.4266-4272.2002
    • Gastroentérite
    • Virologie
  • Eliaszewicz M, Flahault A, Roujeau JC, Fillet AM, Challine D, Mansouri S, Wolkenstein P, Aractingi S, Penso-Assathiany D, Maslo C, Bourgault-Villada I, Chosidow O, Caumes E, Epitox Study Group. Prospective evaluation of risk factors of cutaneous drug reactions to sulfonamides in patients with AIDS. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2002. 47(1):40-6 PubMed 10.1067/mjd.2002.120468
    • VIH
  • Ellies P, Renard G, Valleix S, Boelle PY, Dighiero P. Clinical outcome of eight BIGH3-linked corneal dystrophies. Ophthalmology. 2002. 109(4):793-7 PubMed 10.1016/s0161-6420(01)01025-9
  • Field JK, Brambilla C, Caporaso N, Flahault A, Henschke C, Herman J, Hirsch F, Lachmann P, Lam S, Maier S, Montuenga LM, Mulshine J, Murphy M, Pullen J, Spitz M, Tockman M, Tyndale R, Wistuba I, Youngson J. Consensus statements from the Second International Lung Cancer Molecular Biomarkers Workshop: a European strategy for developing lung cancer molecular diagnostics in high risk populations. Int J Oncol. 2002. 21(2):369-73 PubMed 10.3892/ijo.21.2.369
    • Cancérologie
  • Flahault A, DépiSCAN. [DepiSCAN: a new method to evaluate lung cancer screening]. J Radiol. 2002. 83(12 Pt 1):1803 PubMed
    • Cancérologie
  • Galland C, Auvert JF, Flahault A, Vayssairat M. Why and how post-mastectomy edema should be quantified in patients with breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2002. 75(1):87-9 PubMed 10.1023/a:1016522319282
    • Cancérologie
  • Henrion-Caude A, Flamant C, Roussey M, Housset C, Flahault A, Fryer AA, Chadelat K, Strange RC, Clement A. Liver disease in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis is associated with glutathione S-transferase P1 polymorphism. Hepatology. 2002. 36(4 Pt 1):913-7 PubMed 10.1053/jhep.2002.35534
  • Kosmidis EK, Vibert JF. Feed-forward inhibition in the visual thalamus. Neurocomputing. 2002. 44-46(479-487) Lien
  • Lahlou A, Peraldi MN, Thervet E, Flahault A, Delarue F, Soubrier F, Rossert J, Hertig A, Rondeau E. Chronic graft dysfunction in renal transplant patients: potential role of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1. Transplantation. 2002. 73(8):1290-5 PubMed 10.1097/00007890-200204270-00018
  • Lerolle N, Lantz B, Paillard F, Gattegno B, Flahault A, Ronco P, Houillier P, Rondeau E. Risk factors for nephrolithiasis in patients with familial idiopathic hypercalciuria. Am J Med. 2002. 113(2):99-103 PubMed 10.1016/s0002-9343(02)01152-x
  • Lukasiewicz E, Aractingi S, Flahault A. [Incidence and management of condylomata acuminata by French general physicians]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2002. 129(8-9):991-6 PubMed
  • Lukasiewicz E, Martel J, Roujeau JC, Flahault A. [Dermatology in private practice in France in 2000]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2002. 129(11):1261-5 PubMed
    • Dermatologie
    • Médecine Générale
  • Massari V, Retel O, Flahault A. A recent increase in the incidence of male urethritis in France. Sex Transm Dis. 2002. 29(6):319-23 PubMed 10.1097/00007435-200206000-00002
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Urétrite
  • Nève V, Girard F, Flahault A, Boulé M. Lung and thorax development during adolescence: relationship with pubertal status. Eur Respir J. 2002. 20(5):1292-8 PubMed 10.1183/09031936.02.00208102
  • Neves M, Ciofu C, Larousserie F, Fleury J, Sibony M, Flahault A, Soubrier F, Gattegno B. Prospective evaluation of genetic abnormalities and telomerase expression in exfoliated urinary cells for bladder cancer detection. J Urol. 2002. 167(3):1276-81 PubMed
  • Pakdaman K, Alvarez F, Segundo JP, Diez-Martínez O, Vibert JF. Adaptation Prevents Discharge Saturation in Models of Single Neurons with Recurrent Excitation. International Journal of Modelling and Simula. 2002. 22(4):260-269
  • Tostivint I, Mougenot B, Flahault A, Vigneau C, Costa MA, Haymann JP, Sraer JD, Rondeau E. Adult haemolytic and uraemic syndrome: causes and prognostic factors in the last decade. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2002. 17(7):1228-34 PubMed 10.1093/ndt/17.7.1228
2001 (23)
  • Benveniste O, Chérin P, Maisonobe T, Merat R, Chosidow O, Mouthon L, Guillevin L, Flahault A, Burland MC, Klatzmann D, Herson S, Boyer O. Severe perturbations of the blood T cell repertoire in polymyositis, but not dermatomyositis patients. J Immunol. 2001. 167(6):3521-9 PubMed 10.4049/jimmunol.167.6.3521
  • Boëlle PY, Bonnet F, Valleron AJ. An integrated system for significant anaesthetic events monitoring. Proc AMIA Symp. 2001. :62-5 PubMed PMC
  • Czernichow S, Dupuy A, Flahault A, Chosidow O. [Herpes zoster: incidence study among "sentinel" general practitioners]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2001. 128(4):497-501 PubMed
    • Zona
  • Czernichow S, Flahault A. [Phone prompt or mailed reminder for increasing response rate among investigators? A randomized trial in the Sentinelles network]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2001. 49(1):93-4 PubMed
    • Médecine Générale
    • Santé publique
  • Fagot JP, Flahault A, Fodil M, Kanfer A, Alamowitch S, Haymann JP, Lecomte I, Lioté H, Parrot A, Rossert J, Verdy E, Becker A. [Prophylactic prescription of low-molecular-weight heparin in the non-surgical setting: impact of recommendations]. Presse Med. 2001. 30(5):203-8 PubMed
  • Fagot JP, Mockenhaupt M, Bouwes-Bavinck JN, Naldi L, Viboud C, Roujeau JC, EuroSCAR Study Group. Nevirapine and the risk of Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis. AIDS. 2001. 15(14):1843-8 PubMed 10.1097/00002030-200109280-00014
  • Hanslik T, Boelle PY, Flahault A. The control chart: an epidemiological tool for public health monitoring. Public Health. 2001. 115(4):277-81 PubMed 10.1038/sj/ph/1900782
    • Biostatistiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Hanslik T, Boëlle PY, Flahault A. Setting up a specific surveillance system of community health during mass gatherings. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2001. 55(9):683-4 PubMed PMC 10.1136/jech.55.9.683
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Hanslik T, Espinoza P, Boelle PY, Cantin-Bertaux D, Gallichon B, Quendez S, Aïm JL, Retel O, Ballereau M, Gorodetzky N, Flahault A. Sentinel monitoring of general community health during the 1998 World Football Cup. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2001. 49(2):135-45 PubMed
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Hanslik T, Viboud C, Chadenat ML, Jubault V, Prinseau J. Vitamin K in anticoagulation therapy. Lancet. 2001. 357(9256):637; author reply 63 PubMed 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)71429-X
  • Hanslik T, Viboud C, Flahault A. Vaccinations and multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 2001. 344(23):1793-4; author reply PubMed 10.1056/NEJM200106073442313
    • Vaccination
  • Huguier M, Barrier A, Valinas R, Flahault A, Adloff M, Pezet D, Jaeck D, Millat B, French University Association for Surgical Research. Randomized trial of 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin and cisplatin in advanced pancreatic cancer. Hepatogastroenterology. 2001. 48(39):875-8 PubMed
    • Cancérologie
  • Kosmidis EK, Vibert JF. A model of respiration rhythmogenesis bridging network and pacemaker theories. Neurocomputing. 2001. 38-40:733-739 Lien
  • Letrilliart L, Guiguet M, Hanslik T, Flahault A. Postdischarge nosocomial infections in primary care. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2001. 22(8):493-8 PubMed 10.1086/501939
  • Letrilliart L, Hanslik T, Biour M, Fagot JP, Guiguet M, Flahault A. Postdischarge adverse drug reactions in primary care originating from hospital care in France: a nationwide prospective study. Drug Saf. 2001. 24(10):781-92 PubMed 10.2165/00002018-200124100-00006
  • Lukasiewicz E, Fischler C, Setbon M, Flahault A. [Comparison of three scales to assess health risk perception]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2001. 49(4):377-85 PubMed
  • Stéphan F, Flahault A, Dieudonné N, Hollande J, Paillard F, Bonnet F. Clinical evaluation of circulating blood volume in critically ill patients--contribution of a clinical scoring system. Br J Anaesth. 2001. 86(6):754-62 PubMed 10.1093/bja/86.6.754
  • Toubiana L, Hanslik T, Letrilliart L. French cardiovascular mortality did not increase during 1996 European football championship. BMJ. 2001. 322(7297):1306 PubMed PMC
  • Tuckwell HC, Toubiana L, Vibert JF. Epidemic spread and bifurcation effects in two-dimensional network models with viral dynamics. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys. 2001. 64(4 Pt 1):041918 PubMed 10.1103/PhysRevE.64.041918
  • Valleron AJ, Boelle PY, Will R, Cesbron JY. Estimation of epidemic size and incubation time based on age characteristics of vCJD in the United Kingdom. Science. 2001. 294(5547):1726-8 PubMed 10.1126/science.1066838
    • Epidémie
    • Modelisation
  • Vibert JF, Alvarez F, Kosmidis EK.. XNBC V9: A user friendly simulation and analysis tool for neurobiologists. Neurocomputing. 2001. 38-40:1715-1723 Lien
    • Outils informatiques
    • réseau de neurones
  • Viboud C, Boëlle PY, Kelly J, Auquier A, Schlingmann J, Roujeau JC, Flahault A. Comparison of the statistical efficiency of case-crossover and case-control designs: application to severe cutaneous adverse reactions. J Clin Epidemiol. 2001. 54(12):1218-27 PubMed 10.1016/s0895-4356(01)00404-8
  • Vincent B, Flahault A, Antoine M, Wislez M, Parrot A, Mayaud C, Cadranel J. AIDS-related alveolar hemorrhage: a prospective study of 273 BAL procedures. Chest. 2001. 120(4):1078-84 PubMed 10.1378/chest.120.4.1078
2000 (23)
  • Akposso K, Hertig A, Couprie R, Flahaut A, Alberti C, Karras GA, Haymann JP, Costa De Beauregard MA, Lahlou A, Rondeau E, Sraer JD. Acute renal failure in patients over 80 years old: 25-years' experience. Intensive Care Med. 2000. 26(4):400-6 PubMed 10.1007/s001340051173
    • Urologie
  • Baulieu EE, Thomas G, Legrain S, Lahlou N, Roger M, Debuire B, Faucounau V, Girard L, Hervy MP, Latour F, Leaud MC, Mokrane A, Pitti-Ferrandi H, Trivalle C, de Lacharrière O, Nouveau S, Rakoto-Arison B, Souberbielle JC, Raison J, Le Bouc Y, Raynaud A, Gir. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA sulfate, and aging: contribution of the DHEAge Study to a sociobiomedical issue. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2000. 97(8):4279-84 PubMed PMC 10.1073/pnas.97.8.4279
  • Boëlle PY, Garnerin P, Sicard JF, Clergue F, Bonnet F. Voluntary reporting system in anaesthesia: is there a link between undesirable and critical events? Qual Health Care. 2000. 9(4):203-9 PubMed PMC 10.1136/qhc.9.4.203
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Branchet R, Chauvin P, Flahault A. Measles : sub optimal situation in France. Euro Surveill. 2000. 5(2):21-22 PubMed Euro Surv 10.2807/esm.05.02.00026-en
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Rougeole
    • Vaccination
  • Chariot P, Witt K, Pautot V, Porcher R, Thomas G, Zafrani ES, Lemaire F. Declining autopsy rate in a French hospital: physician's attitudes to the autopsy and use of autopsy material in research publications. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2000. 124(5):739-45 PubMed 10.1043/0003-9985(2000)124<0739:DARIAF>2.0.CO;2
  • Deguen S, Flahault A. Impact on immunization of seasonal cycle of chickenpox. Eur J Epidemiol. 2000. 16(12):1177-81 PubMed 10.1023/a:1010935317612
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Varicelle
  • Deguen S, Thomas G, Chau NP. Estimation of the contact rate in a seasonal SEIR model: application to chickenpox incidence in France. Stat Med. 2000. 19(9):1207-16 PubMed 10.1002/(sici)1097-0258(20000515)19:9<1207::aid-sim423>;2-l
    • Modelisation
    • Varicelle
  • Fagot JP, Flahault A, Kanfer A, Benoit G, Bellanger A, Conort O, Durand-Zaleski I, Lioté H, Mangin L, Oliary J, Verdy E, Becker A. [Prevention of venous thromboembolism in a non-surgical medical ward. Proposed indications for low molecular weight heparin]. Presse Med. 2000. 29(1):4-10 PubMed
    • Médicaments
  • Farres MT, Gattegno B, Ronco P, Flahault A, Paula-Souza R, Bigot JM. Nonnephrotoxic, dynamic, contrast enhanced magnetic resonance urography: use in nephrology and urology. J Urol. 2000. 163(4):1191-6; quiz 1295 PubMed
  • Flahault A. [Influenza: is it time for mass immunization of healthy infants?]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2000. 48(3):311-2 PubMed
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Vaccination
  • Gattegno B, Ciofu C, Flahaut A, Chartier-Kastler E, Desgrandchamps F, Martin X, Vallancien G, Teillac P, Richard F. [Prospective, multicentric, open, and controlled evaluation of the effectiveness of prostatron 2.5 in the treatment of prostatic benign hypertrophy: 1-year results]. Prog Urol. 2000. 10(6):1184-9 PubMed
  • Hanslik T, Vaillant JN, Audrain L, Jubault V, Prinseau J, Baglin A, Flahault A. [Systemic lupus erythematosus and risk of hepatitis B vaccination: from level of evidence to prescription]. Rev Med Interne. 2000. 21(9):785-90 PubMed 10.1016/s0248-8663(00)00224-1
    • Maladie auto-immune
    • Vaccination
  • Hanslik T, Wechsler B, Vaillant JN, Audrain L, Prinseau J, Baglin A, Flahault A. A survey of physicians' vaccine risk perception and immunization practices for subjects with immunological diseases. Vaccine. 2000. 19(7-8):908-15 PubMed 10.1016/s0264-410x(00)00221-8
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Perception des MG
    • Vaccination
  • Letrilliart L, Guiguet M, Flahault A. Reliability of report coding of hospital referrals in primary care versus practice-based coding. Eur J Epidemiol. 2000. 16(7):653-9 PubMed 10.1023/a:1007609718223
    • Hospitalisation
    • Outils informatiques
  • Letrilliart L, Viboud C, Boëlle PY, Flahault A. Automatic coding of reasons for hospital referral from general medicine free-text reports. Proc AMIA Symp. 2000. :487-91 PubMed PMC
    • Hospitalisation
    • Outils informatiques
    • Santé publique
  • Myers MF, Rogers DJ, Cox J, Flahault A, Hay SI. Forecasting disease risk for increased epidemic preparedness in public health. Adv Parasitol. 2000. 47:309-30 PubMed PMC 10.1016/s0065-308x(00)47013-2
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Nouri M, Tligui M, Flahaut A, Tchala K, Doublet JD, Haab F, Traxer O, Thibault P, Gattegno B. [Balloon catheter parieto-renal dilatation in percutaneous kidney surgery]. Prog Urol. 2000. 10(6):1131-4 PubMed
  • Nouri M, Tligui M, Haab F, Flahaut A, Gattegno B, Thibault P. [Predictive factors of successful treatment of lower caliceal calculi with Edap LT02 extracorporeal lithotripsy]. Prog Urol. 2000. 10(4):529-36 PubMed
    • Urologie
  • Stéphan F, Boucheseiche S, Hollande J, Flahault A, Cheffi A, Bazelly B, Bonnet F. Pulmonary complications following lung resection: a comprehensive analysis of incidence and possible risk factors. Chest. 2000. 118(5):1263-70 PubMed 10.1378/chest.118.5.1263
  • Temam S, Flahault A, Périé S, Monceaux G, Coulet F, Callard P, Bernaudin JF, St Guily JL, Fouret P. p53 gene status as a predictor of tumor response to induction chemotherapy of patients with locoregionally advanced squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck. J Clin Oncol. 2000. 18(2):385-94 PubMed 10.1200/JCO.2000.18.2.385
    • Cancérologie
    • Médicaments
  • Trigui B, Barrier A, Flahault A, Huguier M. [Prognostic factors in advanced pancreatic cancer. Multivariate analysis of predictive survival score. University Surgery Association]. Ann Chir. 2000. 125(7):625-30 PubMed 10.1016/s0003-3944(00)00252-2
    • Biostatistiques
    • Cancérologie
  • Tuckwell HC, Toubiana L, Vibert JF. Enhancement of epidemic spread by noise and stochastic resonance in spatial network models with viral dynamics. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Int. 2000. 61(5 Pt B):5611-9 PubMed 10.1103/physreve.61.5611
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
  • Yazdanpanah Y, Beaugerie L, Boëlle PY, Letrilliart L, Desenclos JC, Flahault A. Risk factors of acute diarrhoea in summer--a nation-wide French case-control study. Epidemiol Infect. 2000. 124(3):409-16 PubMed PMC 10.1017/s0950268899003982
    • Gastroentérite
1999 (16)
  • Azoulay E, Parrot A, Flahault A, Cesari D, Lecomte I, Roux P, Saidi F, Fartoukh M, Bernaudin JF, Cadranel J, Mayaud C. AIDS-related Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in the era of adjunctive steroids: implication of BAL neutrophilia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999. 160(2):493-9 PubMed 10.1164/ajrccm.160.2.9901019
  • Bellocq A, Azoulay E, Marullo S, Flahault A, Fouqueray B, Philippe C, Cadranel J, Baud L. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediates increase transforming growth factor-beta1 release from human epithelial alveolar cells through two different mechanisms. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 1999. 21(1):128-36 PubMed 10.1165/ajrcmb.21.1.3379
  • Boëlle PY, Flahault A. Suicide trends in France and UK. Lancet. 1999. 353(9161):1364 PubMed 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)74363-4
    • Actes suicidaires
  • Carrat F, Tachet A, Rouzioux C, Housset B, Valleron AJ. Evaluation of clinical case definitions of influenza: detailed investigation of patients during the 1995-1996 epidemic in France. Clin Infect Dis. 1999. 28(2):283-90 PubMed 10.1086/515117
    • Grippe
  • Chauvin P, Valleron AJ. Persistence of susceptibility to measles in France despite routine immunization: a cohort analysis. Am J Public Health. 1999. 89(1):79-81 PubMed PMC 10.2105/ajph.89.1.79
    • Rougeole
  • Debrix I, Flahault A, Becker A, Schwartz L, Kanfer A, Milleron B. Impact of guidelines implemented in a paris university hospital: application to the use of antiemetics by cancer patients. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1999. 48(4):616-22 PubMed PMC 10.1046/j.1365-2125.1999.00048.x
    • Cancérologie
    • Médicaments
  • Desenclos JC, Rebière I, Letrillard L, Flahault A, Hubert B. Diarrhoea-related morbidity and rotavirus infection in France. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 1999. 88(426):42-7 PubMed 10.1111/j.1651-2227.1999.tb14325.x
    • Gastroentérite
  • Dumont A, Flahault A, Beaufils M, Verdy E, Uzan S. Effect of aspirin in pregnant women is dependent on increase in bleeding time. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 1999. 180(1 Pt 1):135-40 PubMed 10.1016/s0002-9378(99)70163-8
  • Fournier S, Burguière AM, Flahault A, Vincent V, Treilhou MP, Eliaszewicz M. Effect of adding clofazimine to combined clarithromycin-ethambutol therapy for Mycobacterium avium complex septicemia in AIDS patients. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 1999. 18(1):16-22 PubMed 10.1007/s100960050220
  • Gault E, Chikhi-Brachet R, Delon S, Schnepf N, Albiges L, Grimprel E, Girardet JP, Begue P, Garbarg-Chenon A. Distribution of human rotavirus G types circulating in Paris, France, during the 1997-1998 epidemic: high prevalence of type G4. J Clin Microbiol. 1999. 37(7):2373-5 PubMed PMC 10.1128/JCM.37.7.2373-2375.1999
    • Gastroentérite
  • Marechal V, Dehee A, Chikhi-Brachet R, Piolot T, Coppey-Moisan M, Nicolas JC. Mapping EBNA-1 domains involved in binding to metaphase chromosomes. J Virol. 1999. 73(5):4385-92 PubMed PMC 10.1128/JVI.73.5.4385-4392.1999
  • Massari V, Retel O, Flahault A. How do general practitioners approach hepatitis C virus screening in France? Eur J Epidemiol. 1999. 15(2):119-24 PubMed 10.1023/a:1007535722726
    • Hépatite
  • Nuwer MR, Lehmann D, da Silva FL, Matsuoka S, Sutherling W, Vibert JF. IFCN guidelines for topographic and frequency analysis of EEGs and EPs.The International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl. 1999. 52:15-20 PubMed
  • Penso-Assathiany D, Flahault A, Roujeau JC. [Warts, swimming pools and atopy: a case control study conducted in a private dermatology practice]. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 1999. 126(10):696-8 PubMed
  • Sezeur A, Martella L, Abbou C, Gallot D, Schlienger M, Vibert JF, Touboul E, Martel P, Malafosse M. Small intestine protection from radiation by means of a removable adapted prosthesis. Am J Surg. 1999. 178(1):22-5; discussion 25- PubMed 10.1016/s0002-9610(99)00112-9
  • Stéphan F, Hollande J, Richard O, Cheffi A, Maier-Redelsperger M, Flahault A. Thrombocytopenia in a surgical ICU. Chest. 1999. 115(5):1363-70 PubMed 10.1378/chest.115.5.1363
1998 (11)
  • Boëlle PY, Vibert JF, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. Modelling health care processes with SHARE. Stud Health Technol Inform. 1998. 52 Pt 1:541-3 PubMed
  • Boëlle PY, Vibert JF, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. SHARE: a tool to analyze and assess strategies in health care organization management. Comput Biomed Res. 1998. 31(1):47-58 PubMed 10.1006/cbmr.1997.1466
  • Bonabeau E, Toubiana L, Flahault A. The geographical spread of influenza. Proc Biol Sci. 1998. 265(1413):2421-5 PubMed PMC 10.1098/rspb.1998.0593
    • Géographie et santé
    • Grippe
  • Carrat F, Flahault A, Boussard E, Farran N, Dangoumau L, Valleron AJ. Surveillance of influenza-like illness in France. The example of the 1995/1996 epidemic. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1998. 52 Suppl 1:32S-38S PubMed
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Carrat F, Tachet A, Rouzioux C, Housset B, Valleron AJ. Field investigation of influenza vaccine effectiveness on morbidity. Vaccine. 1998. 16(9-10):893-8 PubMed 10.1016/s0264-410x(97)00307-1
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Chauvin P, Valleron AJ. Participation of French general practitioners in public health surveillance: a multidisciplinary approach. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1998. 52 Suppl 1:2S-8S PubMed
    • Médecine Générale
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Deguen S, Chau NP, Flahault A. Epidemiology of chickenpox in France (1991-1995). J Epidemiol Community Health. 1998. 52 Suppl 1:46S-49S PubMed
    • Varicelle
  • Flahault A, Dias-Ferrao V, Chaberty P, Esteves K, Valleron AJ, Lavanchy D. FluNet as a tool for global monitoring of influenza on the Web. JAMA. 1998. 280(15):1330-2 PubMed 10.1001/jama.280.15.1330
    • Grippe
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Massari V, Maison P, Desenclos JC, Flahault A. Six years of sentinel surveillance of hepatitis B in general practice in France. Eur J Epidemiol. 1998. 14(8):765-7 PubMed 10.1023/a:1007596929640
    • Hépatite
  • Toubiana L, Flahault A. A space-time criterion for early detection of epidemics of influenza-like-illness. Eur J Epidemiol. 1998. 14(5):465-70 PubMed 10.1023/a:1007481929237
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Tuckwell HC, Toubiana L, Vibert JF. Spatial Epidemic Network models with viral dynamics. Phys. Rev. E.. 1998. 57:1063-1070 HAL
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Virologie
1997 (11)
  • Brai A, Garnerin P. AUDILAB: a knowledge-based quality audit simulator for testing laboratories. Comput Biol Med. 1997. 27(3):201-10 PubMed 10.1016/s0010-4825(97)00017-6
  • Carrat F, Tachet A, Housset B, Valleron AJ, Rouzioux C. Influenza and influenza-like illness in general practice: drawing lessons for surveillance from a pilot study in Paris, France. Br J Gen Pract. 1997. 47(417):217-20 PubMed PMC
    • Grippe
    • Médecine Générale
  • Chauvin P, Mortier E, Carrat F, Imbert JC, Valleron AJ, Lebas J. A new out-patient care facility for HIV-infected destitute populations in Paris, France. AIDS Care. 1997. 9(4):451-9 PubMed 10.1080/713613163
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • VIH
  • Chauvin P, Valleron AJ. Monitoring the compliance of sentinel general practitioners in public health surveillance: which GPs persevere? Int J Epidemiol. 1997. 26(1):166-72 PubMed 10.1093/ije/26.1.166
    • Médecine Générale
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Flahault A, Boussard E, Vibert JF, Valleron AJ. Sentiweb remains efficient tool for nationwide surveillance of disease. BMJ. 1997. 314(7091):1418 PubMed PMC 10.1136/bmj.314.7091.1418a
    • Outils informatiques
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Flahault A, Dréau H, Farran N, Carrat F, Chauvin P, Massari V, Letrilliart L, Retel O, Toubiana L, Dangoumau, Desenclos JC, Lequellec-Nathan M, Valleron AJ, et l’ensemble des médecins sentinelles.. Epidémiologie des maladies transmissibles en médecine libérale: bilan du réseau sentinelles en 1996. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1997. 33:149-51 Lien
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médecine Générale
    • Santé publique
  • Flahault A, Maison P, Farran N, Massari V. Six years surveillance of hepatitis A and B in general practice in France. Euro Surveill. 1997. 2(7):56-57 PubMed Euro Surv 10.2807/esm.02.07.00142-en
    • Hépatite
  • Flahault A, Valleron AJ. Le réseau Sentinelles: 12 années de recherches et de surveillance sur les maladies transmissibles en France. Actualités et Dossiers en Santé Publique.. 1997. 18:22-25 Lien
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médecine Générale
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Hanslik T, Flahault A, Vaillant JN, Boulard JC, Moulonguet-Doleris L, Prinseau J, Baglin A. High risk of severe endocarditis in patients on chronic dialysis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 1997. 12(6):1301-2 PubMed 10.1093/ndt/12.6.1301
  • Letrilliart L, Desenclos JC, Flahault A. Risk factors for winter outbreak of acute diarrhoea in France: case-control study. BMJ. 1997. 315(7123):1645-9 PubMed PMC 10.1136/bmj.315.7123.1645a
    • Gastroentérite
  • Pakdaman K, Alvarez F, Diez-Martínez O, Vibert JF. Single neuron model with recurrent excitation: response to slow periodic modulation. Biosystems. 1997. 40(1-2):133-40 PubMed 10.1016/0303-2647(96)01639-5
1996 (8)
  • Boëlle PY, Garnerin P, Hergon E, Rouger P, Valleron AJ. [Quality assurance and prevention of immuno-hemolytic incidents in blood transfusion]. Transfus Clin Biol. 1996. 3(1):27-34 PubMed 10.1016/s1246-7820(96)80010-3
  • Boëlle PY, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. A sequential procedure to test the progressive decrease of rare adverse events. Comput Biol Med. 1996. 26(6):513-23 PubMed 10.1016/s0010-4825(96)00032-7
  • Boussard E, Flahault A, Vibert JF, Valleron AJ. Sentiweb: French communicable disease surveillance on the World Wide Web. BMJ. 1996. 313(7069):1381-2; discussion 1 PubMed PMC 10.1136/bmj.313.7069.1381
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Carrat F. Vaccination against influenza in healthy adults. N Engl J Med. 1996. 334(6):403; author reply 40 PubMed
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Carrat F, Valleron AJ. Faut-il vacciner tous les adultes contre la grippe? Concours Médical. 1996. 1:8-10
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Chauvin P, Mortier E, Valleron AJ, Lebas J. Outpatients care of HIV-1-infected destitute people: a study in Paris, France. Lancet. 1996. 348(9025):480 PubMed 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)64581-3
  • Chauvin P, Petitpretz P, Brai A, Fournier M, Flahault A, Neukirch F, Valleron AJ. [Management of bronchial infectious episodes in general medicine]. Rev Mal Respir. 1996. 13(4):397-404 PubMed
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médecine Générale
  • Parsons DF, Garnerin P, Flahault A, Gotham IJ. Status of electronic reporting of notifiable conditions in the United States and Europe. Telemed J. 1996. 2(4):273-84 PubMed 10.1089/tmj.1.1996.2.273
    • Outils informatiques
    • Santé publique
1995 (11)
  • Carrat F. [Influenza vaccine among the aged]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1995. 43(1):99-101 PubMed
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Carrat F, Flahault A, Diaz C. Grippe Clinique : Une épidémie exceptionnellement tardive. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1995. 17:75 Lien
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Carrat F, Valleron AJ. Influenza mortality among the elderly in France, 1980-90: how many deaths may have been avoided through vaccination? J Epidemiol Community Health. 1995. 49(4):419-25 PubMed PMC 10.1136/jech.49.4.419
  • Chauvin P. [Epidemiology and prevention of measles in the United States: 30 years of vaccination]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1995. 43(1):61-71 PubMed
    • Rougeole
  • Chauvin P, Valleron AJ. Attitude of French general practitioners to the public health surveillance of communicable diseases. Int J Epidemiol. 1995. 24(2):435-40 PubMed 10.1093/ije/24.2.435
    • Médecine Générale
    • Perception des MG
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Flahault A, Farran N, Deguen S. Epidémie de varicelle en France. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1995. 33:149-150 Lien
    • Varicelle
  • Flahault A, Garnerin P, Chauvin P, et coll. . Epidémiologie des maladies transmissibles en Médecine Générale : Bilan du Réseau SENTINELLES en 1994. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1995. 20:87-91 Lien
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Flahault A, Garnerin P, Chauvin P, Farran N, Saidi Y, Diaz C, Toubiana L, Drucker J, Valleron AJ. Sentinelle traces of an epidemic of acute gastroenteritis in France. Lancet. 1995. 346(8968):162-3 PubMed 10.1016/s0140-6736(95)91214-2
    • Epidémie
    • Gastroentérite
  • Garnerin P, Brai A, Lelièvre H, Tuffery G. AUDILAB: quality audit simulation to prepare biomedical testing laboratories for accreditation. Int J Qual Health Care. 1995. 7(1):17-24 PubMed 10.1093/intqhc/7.1.17
  • Le Pont F, Costagliola D, Massari V, Valleron AJ. Estimation of the size of the HIV/AIDS epidemic due to blood transfusion in France. Int J Epidemiol. 1995. 24(2):441-5 PubMed 10.1093/ije/24.2.441
    • Epidémie
    • VIH
  • Toubiana L, Vibert JF, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. SITIE: a health care workstation integration architecture for epidemiologists. Comput Biomed Res. 1995. 28(2):100-15 PubMed 10.1006/cbmr.1995.1008
1994 (9)
  • Carrat F, Valleron AJ. [Anti-influenza vaccine. Bibliographic review]. Rev Mal Respir. 1994. 11(3):239-55 PubMed
    • Grippe
    • Vaccination
  • Chauvin P. Constitution and monitoring of an epidemiological surveillance network with sentinel general practitioners. Eur J Epidemiol. 1994. 10(4):477-9 PubMed 10.1007/BF01719681
    • Médecine Générale
    • Santé publique
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Chauvin P, Valleron AJ. [Ten years of measles epidemiological surveillance in France through a network of sentinel physicians]. Sante. 1994. 4(3):191-4 PubMed
    • Rougeole
  • Costagliola D. When is the epidemic warning cut-off point exceeded? Eur J Epidemiol. 1994. 10(4):475-6 PubMed 10.1007/BF01719680
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Infection respiratoire aiguë
  • Flahault A, Deguen S, Valleron AJ. A mathematical model for the European spread of influenza. Eur J Epidemiol. 1994. 10(4):471-4 PubMed 10.1007/BF01719679
    • Grippe
    • Modelisation
  • Massari V, Costagliola D, Valleron AJ. Estimation of the number of HIV-seropositive patients known to general practitioners in France. AIDS. 1994. 8(8):1190-1 PubMed 10.1097/00002030-199408000-00028
    • Médecine Générale
    • Systèmes de surveillance
    • VIH
  • Meyer L, Goulet V, Massari V, Lepoutre-Toulemon A. Surveillance of sexually transmitted diseases in France: recent trends and incidence. Genitourin Med. 1994. 70(1):15-21 PubMed PMC 10.1136/sti.70.1.15
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Rouger P, Hergon E, Le Pennec PY, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. [Immunologic risks of blood transfusion and public health]. Transfus Clin Biol. 1994. 1(2):141-53 PubMed 10.1016/s1246-7820(94)80010-3
  • Valleron AJ, Chauvin P, Flahault A, Vibert JF. [Warning systems: past, present, and future]. Transfus Clin Biol. 1994. 1(6):443-54 PubMed 10.1016/s1246-7820(06)80029-7
1993 (12)
  • Chauvin P, Diaz C, Garnerin P, et coll. . Réseau national télé-informatique de surveillance et d'information sur les maladies transmissibles, présentation et architecture du réseau. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1993. 21:97 Lien
    • Médecine Générale
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Chauvin P, Diaz C, Garnerin P, et coll. . Bilan de la surveillance épidémiologique des médecins sentinelles en 1992. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1993. 21:93-96 Lien
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Chauvin P, Saidi Y, Lepoutre A. . La surveillance des maladies à déclaration obligatoire sur le RNTMT : Constitution et accès à la base de données. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1993. 32:147-150 Lien
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Le Pont F, Valleron AJ. Potential HIV epidemic associated with heterosexual transmission among youth in France. ACSF. Analyse des Comportements Sexuels en France. AIDS. 1993. 7(8):1134-5 PubMed 10.1097/00002030-199308000-00024
    • VIH
  • Le Pont F, Valleron AJ. [Development of a factual model for the dynamics of the transmission of infection by the human immunodeficiency virus: an example for animal epidemiology]. Rev Sci Tech. 1993. 12(1):73-82 PubMed
    • VIH
  • Mary-Krause M, Mary JY, Valleron AJ. Conditions of validation and use of the screening method for vaccine efficacy evaluation. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1993. 41(2):155-60 PubMed
    • Biostatistiques
    • Vaccination
  • Rouzioux C, Costagliola D, Burgard M, Blanche S, Mayaux MJ, Griscelli C, Valleron AJ. Timing of mother-to-child HIV-1 transmission depends on maternal status. The HIV Infection in Newborns French Collaborative Study Group. AIDS. 1993. 7 Suppl 2:S49-52 PubMed 10.1097/00002030-199311002-00011
  • Rude N, Costagliola D, Valleron AJ. Cumulative incidence of HIV infection and AIDS case prediction in France. Lancet. 1993. 342(8868):436-7 PubMed 10.1016/0140-6736(93)92851-j
    • Biostatistiques
    • VIH
  • Rude N, Costagliola D, Valleron AJ. [Prevalence of HIV infection in France before the introduction of early treatment: estimation by back-calculation]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1993. 41(6):437-46 PubMed
  • Valleron AJ. Le Réseau National Téléinformatique de Surveillance et d'Information sur les Maladies Transmissibles. La Lettre de l'Infectiologue. 1993. 8:365-366
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Valleron AJ, Garnerin P. Computerised surveillance of communicable diseases in France. Commun Dis Rep CDR Rev. 1993. 3(6):R82-7 PubMed
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Van Casteren V, Leurquin P, Bartelds A, Gurtner F, Massari V, Maurice-Tison S, Vega AT, Mak R. Demand patterns for HIV-tests in general practice: information collected by sentinel networks in 5 European countries. Eur J Epidemiol. 1993. 9(2):169-75 PubMed 10.1007/BF00158787
1992 (19)
  • Carrat F, Valleron AJ. Epidemiologic mapping using the "kriging" method: application to an influenza-like illness epidemic in France. Am J Epidemiol. 1992. 135(11):1293-300 PubMed 10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a116236
    • Géographie et santé
    • Outils informatiques
  • Cerf N, Goulet V, Massari V, et coll.. Surveillance Nationale de l'activité de dépistage du VIH en France. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1992. 12:51-52 Lien
    • VIH
  • Chevret S, Costagliola D, Lefrere JJ, Valleron AJ. A new approach to estimating AIDS incubation times: results in homosexual infected men. J Epidemiol Community Health. 1992. 46(6):582-6 PubMed PMC 10.1136/jech.46.6.582
  • Flahault A, Chau NP, Cazelles B, Valleron AJ. Inversion of the sex ratio among heterosexual AIDS cases in Ile-de-France (Paris) J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 1992. 5(4):428 PubMed
    • VIH
  • Garnerin P, Saidi Y, Valleron AJ. The French Communicable Diseases Computer Network. A seven-year experiment. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1992. 670:29-42 PubMed 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1992.tb26072.x
    • Médecine Générale
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Garnerin P, Saidi Y, Valleron AJ. Le Réseau National Téléinformatique de Surveillance de l'Information sur les Maladies Transmissibles : 7 ans d'expérience. Epidemiol et Santé anim. 1992. 22:47-61
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. The French communicable diseases computer network: a technical view. Comput Biol Med. 1992. 22(3):189-200 PubMed 10.1016/0010-4825(92)90015-f
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Guiguet M, Hubert B, Lepoutre A. Une année de surveillance des diarrhées aiguës par les médecins sentinelles. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1992. 37:177-178 Lien
    • Gastroentérite
  • Guiguet M, Mary M, Costagliola D, Armengaud M, Cartier F, Micoud M, Mouton Y, Sobesky G, Valleron AJ. Trends in zidovudine prescription since 1987 in AIDS-free HIV-positive French patients attending university hospitals. AIDS. 1992. 6(11):1405-6 PubMed 10.1097/00002030-199211000-00032
    • VIH
  • Hubert B, Watier L, Garnerin P, Richardson S. Meningococcal disease and influenza-like syndrome: a new approach to an old question. J Infect Dis. 1992. 166(3):542-5 PubMed 10.1093/infdis/166.3.542
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Hubert B, Watier L, Garnerin P, Richardson S. Influence des syndromes grippaux sur l'incidence des infections à méningocoque. Med Mal Infect. 1992. 22(HS):20-2
    • Grippe
  • Laurier D, Guiguet M, Chau NP, Wells JA, Valleron AJ. Prevalence of obesity: a comparative survey in France, the United Kingdom and the United States. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1992. 16(8):565-72 PubMed
    • Santé publique
  • Laurier D, Guiguet M, Chau NP, Wells JA, Valleron AJ. [Prevalence of obesity in France]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1992. 40(5):365-7 PubMed
  • Mary M, Garnerin P, Roure C, Villeminot S, Swartz TA, Valleron AJ. Six years of public health surveillance of measles in France. Int J Epidemiol. 1992. 21(1):163-8 PubMed 10.1093/ije/21.1.163
    • Rougeole
  • Quenum B, Guiguet M, Wells JA, Valleron AJ. HIV antibody testing in France: results of a national survey. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 1992. 5(6):560-4 PubMed
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • VIH
  • Retchin SM, Wells JA, Valleron AJ, Albrecht GL. Health behavior changes in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France. J Gen Intern Med. 1992. 7(6):615-22 PubMed 10.1007/BF02599200
    • Santé publique
  • Valleron AJ, Carrat F, Garnerin P. Early detection of epidemic influenza. Lancet. 1992. 339(8784):57-8 PubMed 10.1016/0140-6736(92)90181-2
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Valleron AJ, Garnerin P, Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Computer networking as a tool for public health surveillance: the French experiment. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1992. 41 Suppl:101-10 PubMed
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Valleron AJ, Grimfeld A. Evaluation of clinical trials of immunomodulators for prevention of recurrent respiratory infections in children. Dev Biol Stand. 1992. 77:149-58 PubMed
1991 (7)
  • Carrat F, Garnerin P. Epidémie de syndromes grippaux. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1991. 50:217 Lien
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Costagliola D, Flahault A, Galinec D, Garnerin P, Menares J, Valleron AJ. A routine tool for detection and assessment of epidemics of influenza-like syndromes in France. Am J Public Health. 1991. 81(1):97-9 PubMed PMC 10.2105/ajph.81.1.97
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Garnerin P, Vidal J, Valleron AJ. A visualization tool for representing epidemic spread. Mathematica J. 1991. 1:59-61
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
  • Guiguet M, Cohen M, Flahault A, Wells JA, Valleron AJ. French intravenous drug users: knowledge and sexual behavior change. Eur J Epidemiol. 1991. 7(4):423-6 PubMed 10.1007/BF00145008
  • Hubert B, Laporte A, Lepoutre A, et coll. Le point sur la surveillance des maladies transmissibles en France. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1991. 36:155-6 Lien
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Massari V, Fagnani F, Landman R, Valleron AJ. Prevalence of HIV infection and cost of medical follow-up for asymptomatic seropositive patients followed in general practice in France. Health Policy. 1991. 19(2-3):159-66 PubMed 10.1016/0168-8510(91)90004-h
    • VIH
  • Pelletier A, Lepoutre-Toulemon A, Massari V. Incidence des urétrites masculines en France en médecine générale. Résultats année 1990 - Evolution 1985-juin1991. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1991. 41:176-7 Lien
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Urétrite
1990 (7)
  • Flahault A, Valleron AJ. HIV and travel, no rationale for restrictions. Lancet. 1990. 336(8724):1197-8 PubMed 10.1016/0140-6736(90)92820-8
    • VIH
  • Garnerin P. French connection. BMJ. 1990. 300::701 HAL
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Le Pont F, Massari V, Jullien AM, Costagliola D, Valleron AJ. Anti-HBc testing can decrease the residual risk of transfusion-related HIV transmission by more than one third. Vox Sang. 1990. 59(4):248-50 PubMed 10.1111/j.1423-0410.1990.tb00248.x
    • VIH
  • Massari V, Brunet JB, Valleron AJ. La surveillance des prescriptions de sérologie anti-VIH par les médecins généralistes sentinelles. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1990. 14:58-9 Lien
    • Médecine Générale
    • VIH
  • Massari V,Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. Evolution de l'incidence de l'urétrite masculine en France. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1990. 20:85-6 Lien
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • Urétrite
  • Menares J, Garnerin P, Hubert B, Valleron AJ. Les syndromes grippaux : France 1988-1990. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1990. 24:103-4 Lien
    • Grippe
  • Menares J, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. Syndromes grippaux : Surveillance des syndromes grippaux par un réseau téléinformatique national 1984-1989. REH. 1990. 14:103-4 Lien
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Systèmes de surveillance
1989 (8)
  • Costagliola D, Mary JY, Brouard N, Laporte A, Valleron AJ. Incubation time for AIDS from French transfusion-associated cases. Nature. 1989. 338(6218):768-9 PubMed 10.1038/338768a0
  • Dournon E, Villeminot S, Hubert B. La maladie de Lyme en France : enquête réalisée auprès d'un réseau sentinelle de médecins généralistes. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1989. 45:185-6 Lien
    • Maladie de Lyme
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Le Pont F, Costagliola D, Massari V, Valleron AJ. Blood donation and HIV infection: impact of seroconversion delay on the sensitivity of the testing procedure. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1989. 37(2):97-102 PubMed
  • Massari V, Fagnani F, Landman R, Valleron AJ. Fréquence de l'infection à VIH et coût de la prise en charge des patients asymptomatiques par les médecins généralistes. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1989. 49:205-6 Lien
    • Médecine Générale
    • VIH
  • Massari V, Valleron AJ. Recent reduction in male urethritis in France. Am J Public Health. 1989. 79(5):655 PubMed PMC 10.2105/ajph.79.5.655
    • Urétrite
  • Menares J, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. Real time surveillance of influenza-like diseases in france through a national computer network. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 1989. 38(49):855-7 PubMed
    • Grippe
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Menares J, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. Syndromes grippaux : France 1984-1985 à 1988-1989. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1989. 38:157-8 Lien
    • Grippe
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Valleron AJ. [Contribution of new informatics to therapeutic trials]. Pathol Biol (Paris). 1989. 37(9):1053-5 PubMed
    • Outils informatiques
1988 (7)
  • Flahault A, Letrait S, Blin P, Hazout S, Ménarés J, Valleron AJ. Modelling the 1985 influenza epidemic in France. Stat Med. 1988. 7(11):1147-55 PubMed 10.1002/sim.4780071107
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
    • Modelisation
  • Flandre P, Valleron AJ. [Demographic impact of AIDS mortality in France in 1990: AIDS before suicide and next to traffic accidents]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1988. 36(3):196-201 PubMed
    • VIH
  • Hejblum G, Costagliola D, Valleron AJ, Mary JY. Cell cycle models and mother-daughter correlation. J Theor Biol. 1988. 131(2):255-62 PubMed 10.1016/s0022-5193(88)80242-x
  • Massari V, Brunet JB, Bouvet E, Valleron AJ. Attitudes towards HIV-antibody testing among general practitioners and their patients. Eur J Epidemiol. 1988. 4(4):435-8 PubMed 10.1007/BF00146394
    • VIH
  • Menares J, Brunet A, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. La surveillance téléinformatique des syndromes grippaux par le réseau national de médecins généralistes sentinelles. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1988. 27:106-7 Lien
    • Grippe
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Médecine Générale
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Menares J, Letrait S, Valleron AJ. Attitude de médecins généralistes français face à la surveillance des maladies transmissibles. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1988. 36(1):50-8 PubMed
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Perception des MG
  • Messiah A, Mary JY, Brunet JB, Rozenbaum W, Gentilini M, Valleron AJ. Risk factors for A.I.D.S. among homosexual men in France. Eur J Epidemiol. 1988. 4(1):68-74 PubMed 10.1007/BF00152695
    • VIH
1987 (4)
  • Guiguet M, Pierre J, Brun P, Berthelot G, Gottot S, Gibert C, Valleron AJ. Epidemiological survey of a major outbreak of nosocomial legionellosis. Int J Epidemiol. 1987. 16(3):466-71 PubMed 10.1093/ije/16.3.466
    • Epidémie
    • Maladies infectieuses
  • Massari V, Brunet JB, Bouvet E, Valleron AJ. Evolution de la prise en charge par le médecin généraliste de l'infection par le virus d'immunodéficience humaine (VIH). Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1987. 25:98-9 Lien
    • Médecine Générale
    • VIH
  • Menares J, Valleron AJ. Red Telemática Nacional de Vigilancia e Información de las Enfermedades Transmisibles : Francia, 1985-1987. Rev. de Sal. Pub. de Castilla. 1987. 1:197-204
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Messiah A, Mary JY, Brunet JB, Rozenbaum W, Gentilini M, Valleron AJ. Risk factors for AIDS among homosexual men in a moderate incidence area. Int J Epidemiol. 1987. 16(3):482-4 PubMed 10.1093/ije/16.3.482
    • Infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST)
    • VIH
1986 (6)
  • Coulibaly M, Menares J, Bouvet E, Valleron AJ. Réseau National Téléinformatique de Surveillance et d'Information sur les Maladies Transmissibles : le point sur les urétrites masculines en 1985. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1986. 42:165-6 Lien
    • Urétrite
  • Flahault A. La modélisation des maladies transmissibles : un outil pour l'épidémiologie de surveillance et d'intervention. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1986. 51:203 Lien
    • Biostatistiques
    • Maladies infectieuses
    • Santé publique
  • Flahault A. Un nouvel indicateur épidémiologique pour détecter le début d'une épidémie. Bull Epidémiol Hebd. 1986. 47:185 Lien
    • Biostatistiques
    • Epidémie
    • Grippe
  • Heard I, Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. Surveillance de la rougeole par un réseau de médecins généralistes sentinelles. Médecine et Enfance. 1986. 6:55-7
    • Médecine Générale
    • Pédiatrie
    • Rougeole
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Leboucher L, Arrighi J, Valleron AJ. [Impact of alcoholism mortality on the entire population and on the active French population]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1986. 34(6):382-6 PubMed
    • Santé publique
  • Valleron AJ, Bouvet E, Garnerin P, Ménarès J, Heard I, Letrait S, Lefaucheux J. A computer network for the surveillance of communicable diseases: the French experiment. Am J Public Health. 1986. 76(11):1289-92 PubMed PMC 10.2105/ajph.76.11.1289
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
1985 (3)
  • Garnerin P, Heard I, Bouvet E, Menares J, Valleron AJ. Réseau téléinformatique National de surveillance et d'information sur les maladies transmissibles : bilan de 11 mois d'activité. Epidemiol et Santé anim. 1985. 8:95-100
    • Médecine Générale
    • Outils informatiques
    • Systèmes de surveillance
  • Garnerin P, Valleron AJ. [A discrete-events computer model of fox rabies]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1985. 33(1):29-38 PubMed Lien
    • Modelisation
  • Gropetis G, Boisson-Lalliard C, Valleron AJ. [Mortality of liver cirrhosis and alcoholism in France from 1950 to 1981]. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 1985. 33(6):396-408 PubMed
    • Santé publique
1984 (1)
  • Valleron AJ. Projet de développement pour l'information et la recherche épidémiologique sur les maladies transmissibles Rapport Inserm. 1984. :114 PDF
    • Systèmes de surveillance